  • Hurricane Edward (1980)
  • Hurricane Edward was the fifth named storm, third hurricane, and second major hurricane of the 1980 Planet Ceres Atlantic hurricane season. A Cape Verde-type hurricane, Edward existed from late August to early September, during that time striking four islands in the Bahamas, of which three were hit while Edward was a Category 4 hurricane; the fourth was hit while Edward was a Category 3 hurricane. Edward is notable for its severe damage in the Bahamas, its threats to Miami, Florida and New Orleans, Louisiana, and how its name just barely escaped retirement the following spring.
  • Hurricane Edward was the fifth named storm, third hurricane, and second major hurricane of the 1980 Planet Ceres Atlantic hurricane season. A Cape Verde-type hurricane, Edward existed from late August to early September, during that time striking four islands in the Bahamas, of which three were hit while Edward was a Category 4 hurricane; the fourth was hit while Edward was a Category 3 hurricane. Edward is notable for its severe damage in the Bahamas, its threats to Miami, Florida and New Orleans, Louisiana, and how its name just barely escaped retirement the following spring. Planet Ceres at Wikia * Recent changes * * Subpages * Connections * Editing tutorial