  • Trodon30
  • Fact: He was once employeed at his rival Skyguy's Combat Training Center, as an Instructor for Levels 20-40. Fact: He rarely wears anything else except his trademark Black Armor, or any other weapons but a scimitar. Fact: He does not run a clan. Fact: He is supposly under 13, as He rarely uses other worlds without Quick-Chat and uses that chat to talk. Fact: He is belived to have been one of Skyguy's early competerters during his addiction to Gambling. Fact: His headquarters is located in Varrock, He also owns sections of Skyguy's taken over businesses.
  • Fact: He was once employeed at his rival Skyguy's Combat Training Center, as an Instructor for Levels 20-40. Fact: He rarely wears anything else except his trademark Black Armor, or any other weapons but a scimitar. Fact: He does not run a clan. Fact: He is supposly under 13, as He rarely uses other worlds without Quick-Chat and uses that chat to talk. Fact: He is belived to have been one of Skyguy's early competerters during his addiction to Gambling. Fact: His headquarters is located in Varrock, He also owns sections of Skyguy's taken over businesses. Fact: He is taken as someone interested with Mafia's. Fact: He has taken over Skyguy's residential home near Falador, and renamed it "Croft Manor" Fact: Trodon rarely plays the game, and has taken over a section of Skyguy's business market. Fact: Trodon was once an member to get vengeance on Skyguy, but soon ran out of time.