  • Review Request Club
  • The Review Request Club (RRC) is a club on the Newgrounds Forum which takes requests from flash/audio artists to review their submissions. The crew was started by FreelanceMagician on May 10, 2006. The RRC members give detailed reviews, giving artists an insight into their work and suggesting possible improvements. The RRC has accepted art requests since the Art Portal came out, although art reviews tend to be less popular. Since 2006, the RRC has given tens of thousands of reviews.
  • The Review Request Club (RRC) is a club on the Newgrounds Forum which takes requests from flash/audio artists to review their submissions. The crew was started by FreelanceMagician on May 10, 2006. The RRC members give detailed reviews, giving artists an insight into their work and suggesting possible improvements. The RRC has accepted art requests since the Art Portal came out, although art reviews tend to be less popular. Since 2006, the RRC has given tens of thousands of reviews.