  • Whimsy
  • During the onset of a Whimsy attack, the person experiencing the condition is unable to control his or her reactions to overly "cute" things, such as buttercups, teddy bears, kittens, and Olympic figure skater Johnny Weir. During a more intense or prolonged attack, the victim may lose the capacity to distinguish reality from purely delusional conceptualizations. If the sufferer is in a position of power, this can lead to disastrous consequences, such as the squandering of "political capital" and the subsequent loss of thousands of innocent lives.
  • During the onset of a Whimsy attack, the person experiencing the condition is unable to control his or her reactions to overly "cute" things, such as buttercups, teddy bears, kittens, and Olympic figure skater Johnny Weir. During a more intense or prolonged attack, the victim may lose the capacity to distinguish reality from purely delusional conceptualizations. If the sufferer is in a position of power, this can lead to disastrous consequences, such as the squandering of "political capital" and the subsequent loss of thousands of innocent lives. In the advanced stages of the disease, the Whimsy patient begins to believe that others share these delusory visions of nonexistent things, such as (for example) Weapons of Mass Destruction in Middle Eastern countries, dangerous Nigerian yellow-cake mix suppliers, laws allowing them to divulge the identities of intelligence operatives to the press, and balance sheets for election campaigns that do not contain records of large donations from confessed felons.