  • Total Drama: Explosion Island
  • 1: Jamie or Cinderella was supposed to be eliminated but before the results, Serena quitted. 2: Chloe was eliminated but Zoey screamed to everyone so everyone said that Chloe was Zoey, so Zoey was eliminated cause Chris thought she was Chloe. 3: Zero was voted off but he had the immunity doll so Kate was eliminated cause she had the another vote of the four votes. (Zero had three against him). 4: May knocked Zero out and putted him on the wall with ducktape. He was too late to compete in the challenge and was disqualified.
  • 1: Jamie or Cinderella was supposed to be eliminated but before the results, Serena quitted. 2: Chloe was eliminated but Zoey screamed to everyone so everyone said that Chloe was Zoey, so Zoey was eliminated cause Chris thought she was Chloe. 3: Zero was voted off but he had the immunity doll so Kate was eliminated cause she had the another vote of the four votes. (Zero had three against him). 4: May knocked Zero out and putted him on the wall with ducktape. He was too late to compete in the challenge and was disqualified. 5: Zero showed the video of May when she destroyed the controlroom of Chris and he putted May's name on every vote ticket. 6: The ex-contestants voted for someone to leave the island before the finale. They choose Jamie. * WIN: This camper won the challenge for their team. * WIN: This camper won the challenge for themselves only. * WIN: Was apart of the winning team. * IN: Was safe during the elimination ceremony. * LOW: Was on the bottom two during the elimination ceremony. * OUT: This camper was voted off or eliminated. * OUT: This camper was eliminated. * DISQ: This camper was disqualified from the competition. * QUIT: This camper leaved the island for a personal reason.