  • Bender
  • Bender
  • Bender
  • Bender
  • Bender
  • Bender Bending Rodriguez, simply known as Bender or Bending Unit 22, is one of the main characters of the animated comedy Futurama. Bender is for all intents and purposes not the best role model. He requires a lot of alcohol just to charge his Fuel Cells. Bender also enjoys puffing on cigars, consorting with Robot escorts, and does whatever validates his over-inflated ego. Bender does what he wants, when he wants.
  • thumb|150pxBender Bending Rodríguez es un personaje e Futurama. Bendern es un robot pero actúa como un humano.Jue fabricado en Tijuana, México n'er año 2997. Es un robot bebeor, ratero, deshonesto, perezoso, con demasiaos problemas con la ley y amplios aspectos negativos d'antihéroe. Es er mejó amigo e Fry, y er cocinero e Planet Express.
  • Bender Bending Rodríguez Sr., designated Bending Unit 22 and better known as Bender, is a fictional character and one of the main protagonists from the sci-fi comedy television show series Futurama. He was made in Tijuana, Mexico in 2997. He was voiced by John DiMaggio who also played Officer Ross in the episode "BB" of My Name Is Earl, but later voiced Jake in Adventure Time, Bobo Haha in Generator Rex, and Don Vito in Celeb.
  • Bender is a robot from the show Futurama.
  • Bender is the custodian of the timeline.
  • Image:Smsunfl.jpg Michael
  • Bender pode se referir a: Categoria:Páginas de Desambiguamento * Jack Bender, diretor da série. * Bender, diretor de comercial que despediu Charlie e Liam no comercial das Fraldas Butties.
  • Bender Is a fictional character of the Animated sitcom Fututrama, who is Fry's best friend, and is almost the main attraction of the show, he made a brief single cameo appearance in Breakfast Food Killer as a silhouette, waiting to be a mascot for Frankenberry's Empire.
  • Bender is voiced by John DiMaggio on Futurama but has no speaking lines in Family Guy to date. He appears as a patron at the cantina scene in Blue Harvest. He appeared as himself in "The Splendid Source" where it is revealed that he heard a dirty joke from Al Harrington and told it to Tom Tucker. While in Italy in "Boopa-Dee Bappa-Dee", Peter attempts to use the guide on the television remote, turning Stewie into a host of past and present Animation Domination characters including Bender.
  • es un alien de ben 10 secreto alienigena
  • Bender est un réalisateur qui travaillait avec Drive Shaft sur une publicité pour des couches. Il a cependant dû les virer à cause de Liam, trop défoncé pour travailler. Il met fin à tout ça avec la phrase : " Bien... Je pense que vous êtes virés ".
  • A bender is a slang word in hockey. It is most commenly is used to describe a bad hockey player. The actual definition of a bender is a hockey player that cannot tie his skates tight enough and that results in his ankles to "bend". Often times benders are the last ones picked for the team
  • yo whats up
  • you're such a spastic
  • Bender was born early Christmas morning. Not really. He was actually produced on a conveyor belt in Tijuana and shipped out to some factory to work underpaid for all eternity. This would have been his fate, but he was then rescued by Fry. They went to Planet Express and got a job where they could work underpaid for all eternity.
  • Bender es un robot creado por la Flexo Comporation, el tiene un color gris y un hermano que fue creado en la misma corporación, el tiene 25 años, el es uno de los 90 robots que aguantan el agua y el cloro, su nombre entero es Bender Bendig Rodrigez.thumb|156px|Bender bebiendo Categoría:Robots de Flexo Comporation
  • Bender Bending Rodríguez è il personaggio più amato e imitato dalle giovani generazioni della serie animata Futurama. Nasce in una fabbrica di robot, progettato, brevettato e installato (male) dal professor Hubert Farnsworth. Nella fabbrica natale gli viene impartita un'educazione rigida e diritta nel campo della piegatura, ma solo dopo aver appreso come bere una birra (anche se molti dicono che la sua educazione gli fu impartita prima dall'ITIS, poi espulso per fancazzismo venne iscritto all'IPSIA).
  • Performer(s) Appeared in Bender Bending Rodríguez is a fictional robot character in the animated television series Futurama. Designated in-universe as Bending Unit 22, he fulfills a comic, anti-hero-type role in Futurama and is described by fellow character Leela as an "alcoholic, whore-mongering, chain-smoking gambler". He was made in Tijuana, Mexico in 2997. Bender drinks copious amounts of alcohol to recharge his fuel cells, while displaying symptoms similar to intoxication when he stops. When he burps, fire comes out of his mouth. He gambles, smokes cigars, consorts with hookerbots, had, at one point 50 terabytes of porn on his hard drive, and is constantly trying to gain attention to boost his already over-inflated ego. He is equipped with a gaydar, though it ultimately claims everyon
  • 40
  • blundonia
  • Futurama
  • unidad 25
  • en el pecho
  • bender
  • 90
  • Vivant
  • 19
  • sin nadie a quien recurrir parte 2
  • Craig Young
  • 10
type of villain
  • Artificial Intelligence, On & Off Villain
  • Angleterre
  • Bender
  • Kill all humans be rich.
  • bender
  • Bender
  • Futurama
  • Robot powers, bending metal, various skills and mechanical appliances , trash talk
  • Story
  • Bender
  • Artwork from Futurama
  • estirarse
  • Time Travel
  • Bender, Bending Unit 22, The Bender, Gender Bender , Bender Bending Rodríguez, Bender Rodríguez
  • Drinking beer, smoking, watching TV, talking trash.
  • Bender
  • Custodian
  • Réalisateur de pubs
  • 396
  • bender.png
  • Planet Express crew member, formerly chef of Planet Express.
  • 5
  • Bender Bending Rodríguez Sr.
  • 2000
  • 300
wikipage disambiguates
  • Emploi Charlie
  • Bender Bending Rodriguez, simply known as Bender or Bending Unit 22, is one of the main characters of the animated comedy Futurama. Bender is for all intents and purposes not the best role model. He requires a lot of alcohol just to charge his Fuel Cells. Bender also enjoys puffing on cigars, consorting with Robot escorts, and does whatever validates his over-inflated ego. Bender does what he wants, when he wants.
  • thumb|150pxBender Bending Rodríguez es un personaje e Futurama. Bendern es un robot pero actúa como un humano.Jue fabricado en Tijuana, México n'er año 2997. Es un robot bebeor, ratero, deshonesto, perezoso, con demasiaos problemas con la ley y amplios aspectos negativos d'antihéroe. Es er mejó amigo e Fry, y er cocinero e Planet Express.
  • Bender Bending Rodríguez Sr., designated Bending Unit 22 and better known as Bender, is a fictional character and one of the main protagonists from the sci-fi comedy television show series Futurama. He was made in Tijuana, Mexico in 2997. He was voiced by John DiMaggio who also played Officer Ross in the episode "BB" of My Name Is Earl, but later voiced Jake in Adventure Time, Bobo Haha in Generator Rex, and Don Vito in Celeb.
  • Bender is a robot from the show Futurama.
  • Bender is the custodian of the timeline.
  • Image:Smsunfl.jpg Michael
  • Bender pode se referir a: Categoria:Páginas de Desambiguamento * Jack Bender, diretor da série. * Bender, diretor de comercial que despediu Charlie e Liam no comercial das Fraldas Butties.
  • Bender Is a fictional character of the Animated sitcom Fututrama, who is Fry's best friend, and is almost the main attraction of the show, he made a brief single cameo appearance in Breakfast Food Killer as a silhouette, waiting to be a mascot for Frankenberry's Empire.
  • Bender is voiced by John DiMaggio on Futurama but has no speaking lines in Family Guy to date. He appears as a patron at the cantina scene in Blue Harvest. He appeared as himself in "The Splendid Source" where it is revealed that he heard a dirty joke from Al Harrington and told it to Tom Tucker. While in Italy in "Boopa-Dee Bappa-Dee", Peter attempts to use the guide on the television remote, turning Stewie into a host of past and present Animation Domination characters including Bender.
  • es un alien de ben 10 secreto alienigena
  • Bender est un réalisateur qui travaillait avec Drive Shaft sur une publicité pour des couches. Il a cependant dû les virer à cause de Liam, trop défoncé pour travailler. Il met fin à tout ça avec la phrase : " Bien... Je pense que vous êtes virés ".
  • A bender is a slang word in hockey. It is most commenly is used to describe a bad hockey player. The actual definition of a bender is a hockey player that cannot tie his skates tight enough and that results in his ankles to "bend". Often times benders are the last ones picked for the team
  • yo whats up
  • you're such a spastic
  • Bender Bending Rodríguez è il personaggio più amato e imitato dalle giovani generazioni della serie animata Futurama. Nasce in una fabbrica di robot, progettato, brevettato e installato (male) dal professor Hubert Farnsworth. Nella fabbrica natale gli viene impartita un'educazione rigida e diritta nel campo della piegatura, ma solo dopo aver appreso come bere una birra (anche se molti dicono che la sua educazione gli fu impartita prima dall'ITIS, poi espulso per fancazzismo venne iscritto all'IPSIA). Essendo un robot, non necessita di mangiare o bere per mantenere cariche le sue batterie. Essendo alcolista necessita di abnormi quantità di alcool per essere in grado di rimanere lucido e bastardo. Essendo un alcolista irreversibile, qualora gli fosse sottratto l'alcool di cui necessita, si troverebbe in uno stato di sempre maggiore ebbrezza fino a fare qualcosa di completamente razionale come evirare se stesso della sua antenna, orribile e fuori moda, per poter vivere insieme al suo amico/animale domestico Fry. Questo robot incarna tutte le migliori qualità di un essere umano: bastardaggine, slealtà e avarizia. È un ladro, va a prostitute e venderebbe il suo corpo per denaro. La sua migliore caratteristica, senza dubbio, risiede nel non possedere un cuore tenero e molliccio come quello di un umano, ma un lussuosissimo cuore di latta e ferraglia; nello scompartimento interno del suo addome è addirittura possibile notare un cuore umano ancora pompante, probabilmente trafugato a Fry. Egli afferma di essere un metallaro vero in quanto il suo corpo risulta essere formato da 30% ferro, 30% zinco, 40% titanio e 40% dolomite. Il circolo segreto dei metallari l'ha però escluso in seguito a pesanti accuse: Bender in passato è stato un emo dichiarato, è stato visto da Zoidberg mentre tentava di suicidarsi in compagnia di Fry nella macchina per il suicidio assistito. Lui stesso cercò di scusarsi: "Ma quale emo ed emo! In quanto robot non posso morire, però a fronte di una spesa di 10 mentine per l'alito spese, la macchina del suicidio rilascia regolare certificato di morte, dandomi la possibilità di evadere il fisco!". Dopo una campale battaglia mediatica su Forum il giudice Santi Licheri dichiarò Bender un metallaro al 100%. Da notare che nel futuro saranno in grado di portare il 100% fino al 140%, tramite assunzione in corpo di sostanze che vanno dal fiorellino di campo al profumo di merda al bazooka infilato nell'ano. La sua peggiore nemica è la macchina apriscatole magnetica, una brufolosa ultracinquantenne fissata con il matrimonio e aspirante vedova che cercò di sventrarlo la prima notte di nozze. Nel tentativo di sodomia fu gravemente compromesso il sistema di trasmissione oleo-dinamico, nonché l'adesivo di Grande Puffo. Il dolore per la perdita di quest'ultimo fu talmente grande che lo costrinse a rimanere a letto bevendo aranciata per due settimane intere. Una volta ripresosi dopo massicce cure a base di birra, wurstel, TV via cavo e compatimento generale, si ritrovò talmente terrorizzato da quella macchina, che ancora oggi nei suoi sogni erotici pensa a lei. Bender ha la particolarità di trasformarsi in un juke-box del Texas ogni volta che viene attratto da una calamita, molto utile e divertente per le feste, se non fosse per l'effetto collaterale sul suo cervello. Infatti, iniziando a pensare come un texano, Bender spara a tutto quello che vede, tranne le vacche che vengono prese al lazo. Normalmente si dedica alle sane attività del furto, del rapimento o della dignitosissima vita da accattone cieco e sordo.
  • Performer(s) Appeared in Bender Bending Rodríguez is a fictional robot character in the animated television series Futurama. Designated in-universe as Bending Unit 22, he fulfills a comic, anti-hero-type role in Futurama and is described by fellow character Leela as an "alcoholic, whore-mongering, chain-smoking gambler". He was made in Tijuana, Mexico in 2997. Bender drinks copious amounts of alcohol to recharge his fuel cells, while displaying symptoms similar to intoxication when he stops. When he burps, fire comes out of his mouth. He gambles, smokes cigars, consorts with hookerbots, had, at one point 50 terabytes of porn on his hard drive, and is constantly trying to gain attention to boost his already over-inflated ego. He is equipped with a gaydar, though it ultimately claims everyone is gay. He currently lives with Fry in his closet-sized apartment, fully equipped with an apartment-sized closet. He hates his self-destruct sequence and has an affinity for turtles (as they both can't get off their back), penguins, and Napoleon Bonaparte. Bender also is fascinated with cooking, though he is shown to have little sense of actual human taste, often creating dishes that can kill plant life. He also thinks that humans eat rocks. His strangest trait is that magnets, when attached to his head, mess up his inner inhibition unit, causing him to act like a folk singer.
  • Bender was born early Christmas morning. Not really. He was actually produced on a conveyor belt in Tijuana and shipped out to some factory to work underpaid for all eternity. This would have been his fate, but he was then rescued by Fry. They went to Planet Express and got a job where they could work underpaid for all eternity.
  • Bender es un robot creado por la Flexo Comporation, el tiene un color gris y un hermano que fue creado en la misma corporación, el tiene 25 años, el es uno de los 90 robots que aguantan el agua y el cloro, su nombre entero es Bender Bendig Rodrigez.thumb|156px|Bender bebiendo Categoría:Robots de Flexo Comporation
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