  • Black rift
  • Irene Keldaria discovered this place by killing many firaxan and electrofish. She knocked the door of the secret temple and she found two Amulets. The Amulet of Darkness and the Amulet of Life and many robes, lightsabers and codes. She also found astromech droids on this temple and a holocron. Olga Skywalker later was the second person who investigated this place founding the Diamond of Awareness and scrolls of the Ancient Jedi. In the Valley she investigated the spy station killing many Sith Marauders and warriors finding much jewellery and spying objects. Michael Keldaron firstly investigated this valley after killing electrofish he used a jetspeeder and using a key he entered to the Republic base. He put spikes and items in the computer for blocking the poison. Then the computer was des
  • *Old Republic era *Rise of Empire era *Rebellion era *New Republic era *New Jedi Order *Legacy era
  • *Secret Temple *Spy station *Republic Base *Severin station *Holonet station *Ancient colony
  • *Keldin Order *Galactic Republic
  • Black rift
  • Keldur
  • Irene Keldaria discovered this place by killing many firaxan and electrofish. She knocked the door of the secret temple and she found two Amulets. The Amulet of Darkness and the Amulet of Life and many robes, lightsabers and codes. She also found astromech droids on this temple and a holocron. Olga Skywalker later was the second person who investigated this place founding the Diamond of Awareness and scrolls of the Ancient Jedi. In the Valley she investigated the spy station killing many Sith Marauders and warriors finding much jewellery and spying objects. Michael Keldaron firstly investigated this valley after killing electrofish he used a jetspeeder and using a key he entered to the Republic base. He put spikes and items in the computer for blocking the poison. Then the computer was destroyed and the poison disappeared. He passed successfully the bridge and found a Star Map and some other investigators helped him. Many outlanders tried to investigate this underwater but they were lost and killed from the aquatic creatures. This valley has over twenty five miles distance from the surface of the sea.