  • Piekron
  • Piekron is an Uberhero Patapon introduced in Patapon 3. His attack style is the same as Yarida. He wears a green mask and is in the form of a Nyontama (frog). He can equip shields and spears at any level, and at level 7 he can use lances instead of spears. Piekron is both a good attacker and a good support unit as an Uberhero and deadly as a normal unit. Once leveled up, his lightning Class Skills can devastate anything in his path. He can also cause rain through one of his Set Skills.
Row 4 info
  • Low-Medium
Row 1 info
  • Piekron
Row 4 title
  • Health:
Row 2 info
  • Yarida Level 5
Row 1 title
  • Name:
Row 2 title
  • Acquisition:
Row 3 info
  • Spears, Lances, Daggers
Row 3 title
  • Weapons:
Box Title
  • Piekron
Image File
  • Image 1148.png
  • Piekron is an Uberhero Patapon introduced in Patapon 3. His attack style is the same as Yarida. He wears a green mask and is in the form of a Nyontama (frog). He can equip shields and spears at any level, and at level 7 he can use lances instead of spears. Piekron is both a good attacker and a good support unit as an Uberhero and deadly as a normal unit. Once leveled up, his lightning Class Skills can devastate anything in his path. He can also cause rain through one of his Set Skills.