  • Septillion
  • A septillion is equal to 1024 in America, or 1042 in France and Germany. This number is also called oktillion (not to be confused with octillion) in Russ Rowlett's Greek-based naming system. Aarex Tiaokhiao gave the name okyillion, referring to the value of this number. Sbiis Saibian gave the name minnowchunk, referring to the value of this number.
  • A septillion is equal to 1024 in America, or 1042 in France and Germany. This number is also called oktillion (not to be confused with octillion) in Russ Rowlett's Greek-based naming system. Aarex Tiaokhiao gave the name okyillion, referring to the value of this number. Sbiis Saibian gave the name minnowchunk, referring to the value of this number.