  • Etana Jol
  • Etana Jol
  • Etana Jol was a Ktarian female who worked for her people as a military operative. She had the reputation for being one of the best card players in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. In 2368, she began a relationship with William Riker and introduced him to a game that took over a person's mind. (TNG episode: "The Game") In 2370, Jol traveled to Deep Space 9 to take part in The First Annual Deep Space Nine Poker Tournament. As no arrest warrant had been issued for her detainment, Odo was unable to remove her from the space station as he initially wanted to. (DS9 novel: The Big Game)
  • thumb|Etana Jol Etana Jol ist eine Ktarianerin und Urlaubsbekanntschaft von William Riker auf Risa. Sie stellt Riker ein süchtigmachendes Spiel vor, welches er zurück an Bord der USS Enterprise bringt und dort verbreitet. Das Spiel macht die Besatzung auch empfänglich für Jols Befehle, die sich später als Kommandantin einer konkurrierenden Macht herausstellt, welche die Infiltrierung und Übernahme der Sternenflotte plant. Data, Wesley Crusher und Robin Lefler können dies jedoch verhindern. (TNG: ) Etana Jol wurde gespielt von Katherine Moffat und von Elvira Schuster synchronisiert.
  • Etana Jol was a Ktarian female who met and seduced William T. Riker on Risa in 2368. She tricked him into bringing an addictive, mind-controlling game aboard the USS Enterprise-D, as part of a massive plot to take control of Starfleet.
  • 2368
  • Etana Jol
  • Active
  • Rogue Ktarian group
  • Female
  • Etana Jol was a Ktarian female who worked for her people as a military operative. She had the reputation for being one of the best card players in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. In 2368, she began a relationship with William Riker and introduced him to a game that took over a person's mind. (TNG episode: "The Game") In 2370, Jol traveled to Deep Space 9 to take part in The First Annual Deep Space Nine Poker Tournament. As no arrest warrant had been issued for her detainment, Odo was unable to remove her from the space station as he initially wanted to. (DS9 novel: The Big Game)
  • thumb|Etana Jol Etana Jol ist eine Ktarianerin und Urlaubsbekanntschaft von William Riker auf Risa. Sie stellt Riker ein süchtigmachendes Spiel vor, welches er zurück an Bord der USS Enterprise bringt und dort verbreitet. Das Spiel macht die Besatzung auch empfänglich für Jols Befehle, die sich später als Kommandantin einer konkurrierenden Macht herausstellt, welche die Infiltrierung und Übernahme der Sternenflotte plant. Data, Wesley Crusher und Robin Lefler können dies jedoch verhindern. (TNG: ) Etana Jol wurde gespielt von Katherine Moffat und von Elvira Schuster synchronisiert.
  • Etana Jol was a Ktarian female who met and seduced William T. Riker on Risa in 2368. She tricked him into bringing an addictive, mind-controlling game aboard the USS Enterprise-D, as part of a massive plot to take control of Starfleet. She nearly succeeded in taking over the starship but, fortunately, her plan failed when Wesley Crusher learned the truth about what she was up to and was able to reactivate Data – who had been disabled before the game was widely dispersed throughout the ship as the only person who would have been immune to its effects – allowing Data to restore the crew to their normal selves and allowing them to capture her ship. (TNG: "The Game" ) Etana Jol was played by actress Katherine Moffat, and photo doubled by Diane York. According to the final draft of the script, Etana was "alien, gorgeous, with a full, flowing mane of hair;" additionally, the script was also the source of her last name, Jol. During the episode she is never referred to as a Ktarian; indeed she only spoke of them in third person, but is clearly identified in reference materials, namely Star Trek: Aliens & Artifacts, as Ktarian. For more information on these discrepancies, see the full analysis at Ex Astris Scientia .
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