  • Klarash
  • Klarash was the nation founded by Klarash Silverhair in 1510 OT and ruled by his descendants for 691 years, after which it became known as the Ximoran protectorate ruled over nominally by the Council of Seven.
  • Klarash was the nation founded by Klarash Silverhair in 1510OT and ruled by his descendants for 691 years, after which it became known as the Ximoran Protectorate ruled over nominally by the Council of Seven.
  • Klarash was the nation founded by Klarash Silverhair in 1510 OT and ruled by his descendants for 691 years, after which it became known as the Ximoran protectorate ruled over nominally by the Council of Seven.
  • Klarash was the nation founded by Klarash Silverhair in 1510OT and ruled by his descendants for 691 years, after which it became known as the Ximoran Protectorate ruled over nominally by the Council of Seven.