  • Kritter Killer
  • You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Kritter Killer/preload editintro=Kritter Killer/editintro width=25 Displaying Animals - Server sends a linked list of Animals with each animal’s type and coordinates. - Client displays each animal in its proper location. Mouse Events - Client listens for mouse events. On mouse click, the client will return the timestamp for the click, coordinates of the mouse at the time there was a click, and the weapon that was selected at the time of the click. - Server receives timestamp, coordinates, and weapon type. A precision weapon has a spread of 1px in any direction. A weapon with spread has a spread of 20px in any direction. An explosive weapon has a spread of 50px in any direction. Server determines whether any objec
  • You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Kritter Killer/preload editintro=Kritter Killer/editintro width=25 Displaying Animals - Server sends a linked list of Animals with each animal’s type and coordinates. - Client displays each animal in its proper location. Mouse Events - Client listens for mouse events. On mouse click, the client will return the timestamp for the click, coordinates of the mouse at the time there was a click, and the weapon that was selected at the time of the click. - Server receives timestamp, coordinates, and weapon type. A precision weapon has a spread of 1px in any direction. A weapon with spread has a spread of 20px in any direction. An explosive weapon has a spread of 50px in any direction. Server determines whether any object in the linked list falls within the spread of the weapon.