  • Terraced Fields
  • The Terraced Fields 段々畑, dandanbatake?) are a small piece of land located at the very border of the Sea of Death, upon which vegetation has prospered, forming forests, and an small agricultural community was formed. Said agricultural community produces pretty much all of the food and raw materials that are used in the floating island of Firefly Alley, to which it's connected by an small pipeline.
  • The Terraced Fields 段々畑, dandanbatake?) are a small piece of land located at the very border of the Sea of Death, upon which vegetation has prospered, forming forests, and an small agricultural community was formed. Said agricultural community produces pretty much all of the food and raw materials that are used in the floating island of Firefly Alley, to which it's connected by an small pipeline. The Fields also mark the lowermost accessible point of the First Tower of Ar tonelico to the people, since there is a door leading into Tower Inside A1 Sector 1~3F at its deepest areas. However, said door can only be opened by the Apostles of Elemia.