  • Wookieepedia:April Fools' Day 2012
  • On April 1, 2012, Wookieepedia "announced" that it would be merging with the Star Wars Fanon Wiki, and that fanon would be incorporated into articles. This included a "message" from Dave Filoni (alias SuperShadow) encouraging and endorsing the move. Similar to last year, a motion was started to unblock every user that had ever been blocked for adding fanon or fanart. was nominated for Wookieepedian of the Month, as well as "anyone but ."
  • On April 1, 2012, Wookieepedia "announced" that it would be merging with the Star Wars Fanon Wiki, and that fanon would be incorporated into articles. This included a "message" from Dave Filoni (alias SuperShadow) encouraging and endorsing the move. Similar to last year, a motion was started to unblock every user that had ever been blocked for adding fanon or fanart. The joke escalated when the article namespace was protected to "prevent further disruption," and finally culminated in a "message" from Leland Chee, endorsing the merge, as well as designating Wookieepedia as the new official Star Wars source for authors. was nominated for Wookieepedian of the Month, as well as "anyone but ."