  • Greenpeace
  • Greenpeace
  • Greenpeace
  • Greenpeace
  • Greenpeace
  • Greenpeace
  • Greenpeace
  • Greenpeace
  • Greenpeace
  • Små grønne erter. Brukes mest i forbindelse med hvalkjøtt. Folk som spiser disse erttene får ofte en sterk trang til å ikle seg selskinnspels. From Ikkepedia , a Wikia wiki.
  • thumb|Het logo van Greenpeace, een naam die in schril contrast staat met wat de vermeende milieuorganisatie in de praktijk werkelijk doet.Greenpeace is een radicale milieuorganisatie die internationaal actief is in 40 verschillende landen verspreid over Europa, Noord- & Zuid-Amerika, Azië, Afrika en Australië. Greenpeace is ook lid van de Codex Alimentarius Commissie als observant. Naar eigen zeggen is het doel van Greenpeace het aanpakken van het probleem van klimaatverandering, het beschermen van de oceanen tegen overbevissing, het beschermen van de wouden en hun fauna, het elimineren van nucleaire wapens, een "gifvrije" toekomst, duurzame landbouw en voor "ontwapening en vrede".
  • Greenpeace è un'organizzazione terroristica e culinaria interplanetaria fondata a Vaincouler nel 13912 a. C.. È famosa per la sua azione diretta e violenta a favore dei test nucleari sulle balene e dello scioglimento delle calotte polari. Greenpeace ha uffici in tutti paesi tranne il tuo, tutti affiliati con Rotary Club, con sede a Pustole sul Glande. L'organizzazione è finanziata tramite contributi di sangue da parte di circa 2,8 milioni di donatori e di fondazioni non profiterol, Inoltre accetta fondi dalla C.H.I.E.S.A. e da Forza Italia.
  • Greenpeace is a real-life organization that's occasionally shown throughout The Simpsons. It's a non-governmental, non-profit organization that "ensure the ability of the Earth to nurture life in all its diversity." They deal with environmental issues throughout the world including global warming and pollution. They're infamous for both protest and illegal actions against large corporations negatively affecting the environment.
  • Greenpeace was an organization founded on Earth in the 20th century, concerned with the protection and conservation of the environment. Greenpeace survived into the 23rd century, and they were among the groups to provide aide to the planet Talin IV in the wake of the disaster there in 2269. (TOS novel: Prime Directive)
  • thumb|250px|Greenpeace setzt sich auf Demonstrationen rund um den Globus leidenschaftlich für die Belange der Natur...huch? Was hat sich denn da für eine Fahne eingeschmuggelt? Die Naturliebhaber werden doch wohl nicht...nein. Das müssen unauthorisierte Mit-Demonstranten sein. Greenpeace ist eine Organisation, die es sich zum Ziel gemacht hat, das Engagement für Weltfrieden und ökologisches Bewusstsein unter einer Dachorganisation zu bündeln. Die Aktivisten dieser Vereinigung sind tapfere Männer und Frauen - allesamt Adrenalin-Junkies -, die ihr Leben ganz in den Dienst ihres selbstlosen Engagements stellen und nicht davor scheuen, sich von Wal- und Robbenfängern verprügeln oder eines ihrer Schiffe von diktatorischen Staaten, denen sie ein Dorn im Auge sind, versenken zu lassen.
  • Greenpeace is a worldwide organisation devoted to the environment. This article, "Greenpeace", is a . That means that someone helped by starting this page, but it doesn't have much content yet. You are invited to [ add content] to this page. Thank you! See more information about how you can contribute.
  • Greenpeace, also known as Greenpiss, is a commie peer-pressure group, allegedly dedicated to the protection the environment, like The World Wildlife Fund, Friends of the Earth and NAMBLA. In other words, a bunch of tree-hugging, kelp-eating, whale-reacharound-giving hippies who believe that the Spotted Owl is more important than an SUV, despite the fact that very few people commute to work in a Spotted Owl. The ExxonSecrets web site, which is devoted to hating America, is a Greenpeace project.
  • Greenpeace (pisse-vert en français) est une grande multinationale de défense de la planète qui est là, disons-le, pour donner mauvaise conscience aux gens honnêtes. Alors que la planète n'a rien demandé.
  • Many years ago, when the world was no longer new, but still young, Greenpeace came into existence. It had a goal to develop green power that the world of Digiterra could use to grow in peace. It was not long before its citizens came to learn that not all the world seeks peace. And so the peaceful hippies of Greenpeace, settled down to grow. In the beginning, the only resources they had were coal and oil, not very clean. But they used it do develop clean nuclear energy and now trade in non-weapons grade Uranium and rubber. Through this all they have grown in strength, grown their military (which they use for peaceful purposes) and developed nearly unparalleled technology.
  • Greenpeace is an terrorist organization originally created to honour Mother Nature's kingdom and prevent mankind from destroying it. Nowadays, however, it just pisses everyone off. It's ultimate aim is to safeguard the Earth's ever decreasing natural resources, in the form of animals and untainted natural flora, through the complete and utter annihilation of the human race. Failing this, human societal progress must be stalled as much as possible. Going back to nature and jumping around naked eating bananas is simply not enough; the nuclear option is the only option they will consider. It is rumored that Greenpeace members do so much treehugging that they have now created their own hybrid species between trees and humans, known as Trumans. The average Greenpeace member tend to be gay, or F
  • Greenpeace is an international environmental organization founded in Vancouver, British, Columbia, Canada in 1971. It is best known for its campaigns against whaling. In later years, the focus of the organization turned to other environmental issues, including bottom trawling, global warming, ancient forest destruction, nuclear power, and genetic engineering. Greenpeace has national and regional offices in 42 countries worldwide, all of which are affiliated to the Amsterdam-based Greenpeace International. The global organization receives its income through the individual contributions of an estimated 2.8 million financial supporters, as well as from grants from charitable foundations, but does not accept funding from governments or corporations. It is often the subject of criticism and rid
  • thumb|Greenpeaceaktivisten in Aktion Greenpeace ist eine 1971 in Vancouver (Kandada) gegründete internationale Umweltschutzorganisation, die sich selbst als [...]eine internationale, unabhängige Organisation, die kreativ und gewaltfrei auf weltweite Umweltprobleme hinweist und versucht, Lösungen durchzusetzen. Unser Ziel ist eine grüne und friedliche Zukunft für die Erde und das Leben auf ihr in all seiner Vielfalt. definiert. Auffällig ist vor allem wie ungeschickt die Aktivisten vorgehen und wie nutzlos ihr Vorhaben ist. Nützlich werden die Anhänger nur dann, wenn es darum geht Müll und Öl bzw tote Kadaver vom Strand zu räumen.
  • frame Greenpeace ist eine 1971 von Friedensaktivisten in Vancouver, Kanada, gegründete transnationale politische Non-Profit-Organisation, die den Umweltschutz zum Thema hat. Sie wurde vor allem durch Kampagnen gegen Kernwaffentests und Aktionen gegen den Walfang bekannt. Die Sängerin Crystal träumt, der Sechste Doctor würde sich in einen kleinen Mann in einem Greenpeace-T-Shirt verwandeln (Face Value). Der Achte Doctor setzt Samantha Jones bei einer Greenpeace-Veranstaltung ab und verschwindet für eine Stunde. In dieser Zeitspanne erlebt er Abenteuer ohne sie (Vampire Science + Placebo Effect).
  • Pax Corvus
  • Rubber, and Uranium
  • 2012-11-07
  • Black
  • 11
  • Greenpeace
  • All
  • Capitalist
  • Cerridwyn
  • 4
  • Mixed
  • 184445
  • Greenman
  • "All Gods are one God"
  • PaxFlag3.jpg‎
  • Worldwide
  • thumb|Greenpeaceaktivisten in Aktion Greenpeace ist eine 1971 in Vancouver (Kandada) gegründete internationale Umweltschutzorganisation, die sich selbst als [...]eine internationale, unabhängige Organisation, die kreativ und gewaltfrei auf weltweite Umweltprobleme hinweist und versucht, Lösungen durchzusetzen. Unser Ziel ist eine grüne und friedliche Zukunft für die Erde und das Leben auf ihr in all seiner Vielfalt. definiert. Auffällig ist vor allem wie ungeschickt die Aktivisten vorgehen und wie nutzlos ihr Vorhaben ist. Nützlich werden die Anhänger nur dann, wenn es darum geht Müll und Öl bzw tote Kadaver vom Strand zu räumen. Ansonsten versuchen die Männer und (hauptsächlich) Frauen von Greenpeace mit kleinen Schlauchbooten gigantische Ölfrachter zu beeindrucken, was eigentlich nie gelingt. Später fischt dann die Küstenwache die hilflose Menschen aus dem Wasser.
  • Many years ago, when the world was no longer new, but still young, Greenpeace came into existence. It had a goal to develop green power that the world of Digiterra could use to grow in peace. It was not long before its citizens came to learn that not all the world seeks peace. And so the peaceful hippies of Greenpeace, settled down to grow. In the beginning, the only resources they had were coal and oil, not very clean. But they used it do develop clean nuclear energy and now trade in non-weapons grade Uranium and rubber. Through this all they have grown in strength, grown their military (which they use for peaceful purposes) and developed nearly unparalleled technology. The citizens of Greenpeace come from all over the world. While the largest number are of Celtic Ancestry, all are equal. Each person chooses how or if they wish to worship. They are however, capitalists, and strive to make money, but the standard of living is high, and Cerridwyn is beloved of her people. Greenpeace tries to keep peace with its neighbors and provides aid when it can, but it will always take care of its own first. Its people do not believe in torture and will not give aid to those who do. It allows total freedom of speech and has never yet had to put down a protest by force. They have an open border with their neighbors, allowing free legal commerce. Coffee is the national drink and the scientists and engineers are striving constantly to find a way to successfully grow quality Arabica at their Martian colony. So far the success rate has been mediocre. The people drink it because its there, but import the finest beans from the far corners of Digiterra.
  • Små grønne erter. Brukes mest i forbindelse med hvalkjøtt. Folk som spiser disse erttene får ofte en sterk trang til å ikle seg selskinnspels. From Ikkepedia , a Wikia wiki.
  • Greenpeace is an international environmental organization founded in Vancouver, British, Columbia, Canada in 1971. It is best known for its campaigns against whaling. In later years, the focus of the organization turned to other environmental issues, including bottom trawling, global warming, ancient forest destruction, nuclear power, and genetic engineering. Greenpeace has national and regional offices in 42 countries worldwide, all of which are affiliated to the Amsterdam-based Greenpeace International. The global organization receives its income through the individual contributions of an estimated 2.8 million financial supporters, as well as from grants from charitable foundations, but does not accept funding from governments or corporations. It is often the subject of criticism and ridicule for supposedly over-the-top protesting.
  • thumb|Het logo van Greenpeace, een naam die in schril contrast staat met wat de vermeende milieuorganisatie in de praktijk werkelijk doet.Greenpeace is een radicale milieuorganisatie die internationaal actief is in 40 verschillende landen verspreid over Europa, Noord- & Zuid-Amerika, Azië, Afrika en Australië. Greenpeace is ook lid van de Codex Alimentarius Commissie als observant. Naar eigen zeggen is het doel van Greenpeace het aanpakken van het probleem van klimaatverandering, het beschermen van de oceanen tegen overbevissing, het beschermen van de wouden en hun fauna, het elimineren van nucleaire wapens, een "gifvrije" toekomst, duurzame landbouw en voor "ontwapening en vrede".
  • frame Greenpeace ist eine 1971 von Friedensaktivisten in Vancouver, Kanada, gegründete transnationale politische Non-Profit-Organisation, die den Umweltschutz zum Thema hat. Sie wurde vor allem durch Kampagnen gegen Kernwaffentests und Aktionen gegen den Walfang bekannt. Die Sängerin Crystal träumt, der Sechste Doctor würde sich in einen kleinen Mann in einem Greenpeace-T-Shirt verwandeln (Face Value). Der Achte Doctor setzt Samantha Jones bei einer Greenpeace-Veranstaltung ab und verschwindet für eine Stunde. In dieser Zeitspanne erlebt er Abenteuer ohne sie (Vampire Science + Placebo Effect). Cinder findet in der TARDIS ein Greenpeace-T-Shirt (Engines of War). Kategorie:Firmen, Vereine und Organisationen
  • Greenpeace è un'organizzazione terroristica e culinaria interplanetaria fondata a Vaincouler nel 13912 a. C.. È famosa per la sua azione diretta e violenta a favore dei test nucleari sulle balene e dello scioglimento delle calotte polari. Greenpeace ha uffici in tutti paesi tranne il tuo, tutti affiliati con Rotary Club, con sede a Pustole sul Glande. L'organizzazione è finanziata tramite contributi di sangue da parte di circa 2,8 milioni di donatori e di fondazioni non profiterol, Inoltre accetta fondi dalla C.H.I.E.S.A. e da Forza Italia.
  • Greenpeace (pisse-vert en français) est une grande multinationale de défense de la planète qui est là, disons-le, pour donner mauvaise conscience aux gens honnêtes. Alors que la planète n'a rien demandé. « cè koua la plannéte loool xDDD » ~ Kevin à propos de la planète « Ma pisse est tellement bien verte » ~ Guitry à propos de son urètre et le reste « Si belle, si fragile. » ~ Aristote à propos de son assiette de collection My Little Pony « Personne n'en a rien à foutre des baleines » ~ Le méchant dans Moby Dick à propos des activistes « Crève hippie, crève ! » ~ Eric Cartman à propos des militants de Greenpeace et des habitants de San Francisco « Tous des petites tarlouzes ! » ~ Winnie Collin à propos des militants de Greenpeace qui veulent protéger les pelouses de foot
  • Greenpeace is a real-life organization that's occasionally shown throughout The Simpsons. It's a non-governmental, non-profit organization that "ensure the ability of the Earth to nurture life in all its diversity." They deal with environmental issues throughout the world including global warming and pollution. They're infamous for both protest and illegal actions against large corporations negatively affecting the environment.
  • Greenpeace was an organization founded on Earth in the 20th century, concerned with the protection and conservation of the environment. Greenpeace survived into the 23rd century, and they were among the groups to provide aide to the planet Talin IV in the wake of the disaster there in 2269. (TOS novel: Prime Directive)
  • Greenpeace is an terrorist organization originally created to honour Mother Nature's kingdom and prevent mankind from destroying it. Nowadays, however, it just pisses everyone off. It's ultimate aim is to safeguard the Earth's ever decreasing natural resources, in the form of animals and untainted natural flora, through the complete and utter annihilation of the human race. Failing this, human societal progress must be stalled as much as possible. Going back to nature and jumping around naked eating bananas is simply not enough; the nuclear option is the only option they will consider. It is rumored that Greenpeace members do so much treehugging that they have now created their own hybrid species between trees and humans, known as Trumans. The average Greenpeace member tend to be gay, or French. There are Argentines who join in, but they think that they are in the Navy. They also think that Fray Bentos is a part of Colon in Argentina. In 1972, the fledgling Greenpeace group, having emerged blinking into the world, attempted its very first act of terrorism not even a year after it was founded, in which they attempted to gain nuclear weapons being tested by the French in French Polynesia. Recently unclassified reports of the operation from SDECE state that the Greenpeace members acted like normal protesters up until their attack on the military facility in which the nuclear weapons were kept. Only through the swift intervention of the SDECE Special Attack unit were the brutal warriors of Nature stopped from enacting a nuclear holocaust on the human race. The only good thing ever done by the French was the sinking of the Greenpeace junk called the Rainbowed Warrior “Oui, it was horrible! They fought like bears, moved like tigers, shreaked like monkeys, it was terrifying, even before they brought out the guns. If it hadn't been for the fact they ran out of ammo, I don't know what would have happened” ~ Julier Coustou, The Only survivor of the 67 men team that thwarted the Greenpeace militants The French government, seeing as they could barely stop the Greenpeace warriors even with their elite troops, swiftly scrapped their nuclear program in the area. Greenpeace, seeing that there was no chance of gaining the weapons using brute force, claimed that they had been attempting to stop the testing of the nuclear weapons in the area. In the past Greenpeace has raised media attention over a large variety of really really heavy issues including but not limited to: * Nuclear proliferation, life started with a big bang, will it end the same way? * Protesting the rampant Moby Dick-like incidences * Depriving everyone of the benefits of Global Warming such as increased arable land. * Sustainable energy, and other obvious solutions. * Growing endangered species list; only a few trillion animals left to kill!
  • thumb|250px|Greenpeace setzt sich auf Demonstrationen rund um den Globus leidenschaftlich für die Belange der Natur...huch? Was hat sich denn da für eine Fahne eingeschmuggelt? Die Naturliebhaber werden doch wohl nicht...nein. Das müssen unauthorisierte Mit-Demonstranten sein. Greenpeace ist eine Organisation, die es sich zum Ziel gemacht hat, das Engagement für Weltfrieden und ökologisches Bewusstsein unter einer Dachorganisation zu bündeln. Die Aktivisten dieser Vereinigung sind tapfere Männer und Frauen - allesamt Adrenalin-Junkies -, die ihr Leben ganz in den Dienst ihres selbstlosen Engagements stellen und nicht davor scheuen, sich von Wal- und Robbenfängern verprügeln oder eines ihrer Schiffe von diktatorischen Staaten, denen sie ein Dorn im Auge sind, versenken zu lassen.
  • Greenpeace is a worldwide organisation devoted to the environment. This article, "Greenpeace", is a . That means that someone helped by starting this page, but it doesn't have much content yet. You are invited to [ add content] to this page. Thank you! See more information about how you can contribute.
  • Greenpeace, also known as Greenpiss, is a commie peer-pressure group, allegedly dedicated to the protection the environment, like The World Wildlife Fund, Friends of the Earth and NAMBLA. In other words, a bunch of tree-hugging, kelp-eating, whale-reacharound-giving hippies who believe that the Spotted Owl is more important than an SUV, despite the fact that very few people commute to work in a Spotted Owl. The ExxonSecrets web site, which is devoted to hating America, is a Greenpeace project.
is Founder of