  • 999
  • 999
  • 999
  • 999
  • 999
  • 999 was a Year of Kahless in the Klingon calendar, at least part of which fell in 2373. The IKS Rotarran's mission to find the IKS B'Moth took place in this year. (DS9: "Soldiers of the Empire") According to Ron D. Moore, the peculiar choice of year was a random idea he threw in in case the writers might want to follow up on it later. (AOL chat, 1997 ). However, no follow-up appears to have happened.
  • El número (999) es el número natural que sigue al 998 y precede al 1000. Categoría:Números
  • 999是界於998與1000的整數。在《太鼓の達人13》或以前的作品中,999曾是最大連段數之極限,部分曲目的一般譜面或隱藏譜面的最大連段數達到999,然而在《太鼓の達人14》,最大連段數已突破1000。 目前譜面最大連段數達999的曲目如下(粗體字為隱藏譜面): 1. * 紅 2. * 首次登場:《太鼓の達人8》,同時也是本遊戲第一首達到最大連段數999的歌曲。 3. * Punishment 4. * 首次登場:《太鼓の達人12 ド~ン!と増量版》。 5. * 風雲!バチお先生 6. * 首次登場:《太鼓の達人12 ド~ン!と増量版》,為首支加長版隱藏譜面最大連段數達999者,魔鬼難易度8星也是本列表曲目中最低者。 7. * KAGEKIYO 8. * 首次登場:《太鼓の達人14》。 9. * 万戈イムー一ノ十 10. * 2000系列首支達到最大連段數999的曲目,最快BPM=293,為譜面流動最快者。 11. * 初音ミクの激唱 12. * 首次登場:《太鼓の達人 ぽ~たぶるDX》,同時也是《太鼓の達人 ぽ~たぶるDX》魔王曲。 13. * 新しい光 14. * 首次登場:《新 太鼓の達人》。 15. * 初音ミクの消失 16. * 首次登場:《新 太鼓の達人》。 17. * 十面相 * 首次登場:《新 太鼓の達人》。 18. * 人生リセットボタン * 首次登場:《新 太鼓の達人》。 19. * 少女の神の粒子 * 首次登場:《新 太鼓の達人》。
  • The movie Little White Dragon, produced in 2010, was set during the year 999. (Love & War)
  • Katja gibt vor Tom zu, Gefühle für Ben zu haben, möchte ihn aber nicht verlieren. Tom will auch Katja nicht einfach aufgeben, doch Katja wird immer bewusster, dass sie Ben mehr liebt als Tom und auch in Zukunft mehr lieben wird. Während Ben und Isabelle dem glücklichsten Tag in ihrem Leben entgegen sehen, trennt sich Katja von Tom. Celine möchte nicht, dass Oliver ihretwegen seinen Job in Australien aufgibt. Daher setzt sie sich mit der Möglichkeit auseinander, mit Oliver gemeinsam nach Australien zu ziehen - zumal Zoé begeistert ist. Doch Ingo erinnert sie an ihr Versprechen Richard gegenüber, den noch ungeborenen Sohn gemeinsam aufzuziehen. Roman begreift, dass zwischen Deniz und ihm - trotz aller Gefühle füreinander - keine unbeschwerte Annäherung mehr möglich ist. Schweren Herzens über
  • Bruno sneaks into Collinwood and goes up to the East Wing. He enters Angelique's room and again accuses Alexis of being Angelique, and claims that she brought Dameon back from the grave to torment him. Alexis is confused and as no idea who Dameon is, but Bruno doesn't believe her and starts to strangle her. At the lab, Sabrina is growing increasingly frustrated with Cyrus' devotion to his experiment, and the fact he has been paying very little attention to her. Sabrina tells him she is worried about him.
  • 999
  • 1970-04-16
  • 984
  • 1970
  • 1970-04-23
  • 999
  • Katja gibt vor Tom zu, Gefühle für Ben zu haben, möchte ihn aber nicht verlieren. Tom will auch Katja nicht einfach aufgeben, doch Katja wird immer bewusster, dass sie Ben mehr liebt als Tom und auch in Zukunft mehr lieben wird. Während Ben und Isabelle dem glücklichsten Tag in ihrem Leben entgegen sehen, trennt sich Katja von Tom. Celine möchte nicht, dass Oliver ihretwegen seinen Job in Australien aufgibt. Daher setzt sie sich mit der Möglichkeit auseinander, mit Oliver gemeinsam nach Australien zu ziehen - zumal Zoé begeistert ist. Doch Ingo erinnert sie an ihr Versprechen Richard gegenüber, den noch ungeborenen Sohn gemeinsam aufzuziehen. Roman begreift, dass zwischen Deniz und ihm - trotz aller Gefühle füreinander - keine unbeschwerte Annäherung mehr möglich ist. Schweren Herzens überwindet sich Roman und beschließt, Deniz den gewünschten Freiraum zu lassen. Doch als Roman Deniz konsequent mit Distanz begegnet, ist dieser irritiert.
  • 999 was a Year of Kahless in the Klingon calendar, at least part of which fell in 2373. The IKS Rotarran's mission to find the IKS B'Moth took place in this year. (DS9: "Soldiers of the Empire") According to Ron D. Moore, the peculiar choice of year was a random idea he threw in in case the writers might want to follow up on it later. (AOL chat, 1997 ). However, no follow-up appears to have happened.
  • El número (999) es el número natural que sigue al 998 y precede al 1000. Categoría:Números
  • Bruno sneaks into Collinwood and goes up to the East Wing. He enters Angelique's room and again accuses Alexis of being Angelique, and claims that she brought Dameon back from the grave to torment him. Alexis is confused and as no idea who Dameon is, but Bruno doesn't believe her and starts to strangle her. Quentin stops Bruno just before he can kill Alexis and kicks him out. After calming Alexis down, Quentin vows to have him thrown off the estate forever. Quentin returns to the drawing room, and finds that Bruno still hasn't left the house. Bruno brings up Dameon and manages to get Quentin to wonder if Alexis is actually Angelique. Quentin gets frustrated and finally kicks Bruno out. At the lab, Sabrina is growing increasingly frustrated with Cyrus' devotion to his experiment, and the fact he has been paying very little attention to her. Sabrina tells him she is worried about him. Back at Collinwood, Quentin goes to search for Alexis, but only finds a note that says "Hannah, please meet me at the gazebo at ten o'clock. -A". Quentin compares the handwriting to a note Angelique has written long ago, and notices that the handwriting is identical. Alexis catches Quentin, but quickly leaves after she collects her note. Quentin speaks to the portrait of Angelique and vows to find out the truth. Meanwhile, Buffie arrives at the lab to speak with Cyrus. She is still very distraught about the recent altercations with Yaeger, but she confronts him about the check that Yaeger gave her with Cyrus' handwriting. Cyrus confirms that he signed the check and Buffie seems relieved. Buffie asks Cyrus many questions about Yaeger, but Cyrus says he has sent Yaeger away and he gives Buffie some money to cover Steve's hospital expenses. Before Buffie leaves, she admits she likes Yaeger "sometimes." Sabrina returns and wonders who the girl was and asks more questions about Yaeger. Before Cyrus can answer, the phone rings. It's Quentin, and he asks for Cyrus' help to open a tomb. Cyrus goes to Collinwood and Quentin tells him he wants to open Angelique's tomb. As the two talk in the drawing room, Alexis enters the foyer and overhears the conversation. Cyrus agrees to help him. Later that night, Quentin and Cyrus prepare to open Angelique's coffin. Just before they can open it, Alexis shows up and offers to leave Collinwood forever if he doesn't open it. Quentin rejects her offer, and says he needs to end the madness that is going on at Collinwood. Quentin opens the coffin and is shocked at what he sees.
  • 999是界於998與1000的整數。在《太鼓の達人13》或以前的作品中,999曾是最大連段數之極限,部分曲目的一般譜面或隱藏譜面的最大連段數達到999,然而在《太鼓の達人14》,最大連段數已突破1000。 目前譜面最大連段數達999的曲目如下(粗體字為隱藏譜面): 1. * 紅 2. * 首次登場:《太鼓の達人8》,同時也是本遊戲第一首達到最大連段數999的歌曲。 3. * Punishment 4. * 首次登場:《太鼓の達人12 ド~ン!と増量版》。 5. * 風雲!バチお先生 6. * 首次登場:《太鼓の達人12 ド~ン!と増量版》,為首支加長版隱藏譜面最大連段數達999者,魔鬼難易度8星也是本列表曲目中最低者。 7. * KAGEKIYO 8. * 首次登場:《太鼓の達人14》。 9. * 万戈イムー一ノ十 10. * 2000系列首支達到最大連段數999的曲目,最快BPM=293,為譜面流動最快者。 11. * 初音ミクの激唱 12. * 首次登場:《太鼓の達人 ぽ~たぶるDX》,同時也是《太鼓の達人 ぽ~たぶるDX》魔王曲。 13. * 新しい光 14. * 首次登場:《新 太鼓の達人》。 15. * 初音ミクの消失 16. * 首次登場:《新 太鼓の達人》。 17. * 十面相 * 首次登場:《新 太鼓の達人》。 18. * 人生リセットボタン * 首次登場:《新 太鼓の達人》。 19. * 少女の神の粒子 * 首次登場:《新 太鼓の達人》。
  • The movie Little White Dragon, produced in 2010, was set during the year 999. (Love & War)
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