  • VII
  • VII
  • Vii
  • VII
  • Vii
  • Vii is a clone console of Wii.
  • Guardian ÄRM, the sentient type, a Humpty Dumpty-like midget, donning an outfit of late 18th/earlier 19th century style (as its top hat and cane suggest). Not much of its ability is known but it can be said Sieben as the weakest as seen when he tried to run away rather than fight. Destroyed during his battle with Ginta.
  • Vii may refer to at least two different types of Wii clone: * The Sport Vii/Vii (威力棒) by Jungletac/KenSingTon * The Vii manufactured by Xinan/Powerking, released in several different versions (both 8 & 16-bit)
  • VII is an unknown entity among the vampires of Vampire: The Requiem. They are a covenant in the loosest possible sense of the word, and might not even be a covenant in the sense of a political/spiritual organisation. It is unknown if VII is a true covenant, a particularly insular clan, or merely a strange cult among the Kindred.
  • Vii is a clone console of Wii.
  • Guardian ÄRM, the sentient type, a Humpty Dumpty-like midget, donning an outfit of late 18th/earlier 19th century style (as its top hat and cane suggest). Not much of its ability is known but it can be said Sieben as the weakest as seen when he tried to run away rather than fight. Destroyed during his battle with Ginta.
  • Vii may refer to at least two different types of Wii clone: * The Sport Vii/Vii (威力棒) by Jungletac/KenSingTon * The Vii manufactured by Xinan/Powerking, released in several different versions (both 8 & 16-bit)
  • VII is an unknown entity among the vampires of Vampire: The Requiem. They are a covenant in the loosest possible sense of the word, and might not even be a covenant in the sense of a political/spiritual organisation. It is unknown if VII is a true covenant, a particularly insular clan, or merely a strange cult among the Kindred. The name Seven, by which Kindred recognise the sect, originated due to the use of a symbol left behind at the scenes of many attacks upon the Kindred - the Roman Numeral seven - VII. Members of VII are fanatics on a mission to exterminate all Kindred who are not a part of themselves. It believes itself to be a legacy of vampires which exists purely to destroy the betrayers who brought about the pain of their current existence. Details on this history differ, as with all memories of the past. Some members of VII believe that their Kingdom is hidden by a mystic curse, while others believe that their kingdom is a metaphor. However, all members of VII are united by the idea that only by removing the Kindred, or the spawn of the Betrayer, that they will achieve their "Sabbath", which is seen to be the return of the lost kingdom. By any account, there are very few members of VII, and most cities are free from their genocidal members. What is lacking in numbers, sadly, is made up for drive and hatred. Members of VII apparently do not suffer the pangs of Frenzy upon meeting other members of the Kindred for the first time. They claim to be able to identify Kindred on sight, with some concept of each Kindred carrying a "Mark of the Betrayer". Attempts to mentally probe the minds of captured members reveal only mental images of the Roman Numeral "VII" or characters from alphabets unknown even to the probed.