  • Tardisode
  • A series of 13 one-minute shorts preceding the events of every episode in Series 2 (basically like the billions of prequels of Matt Smith's stories except far worse). If you thought the NuWho episodes themselves were too fast faced and shallow, you ain't seen nothin' yet. Most of them involve characters whom we never see in the actual stories, and they all end with a lame jumpscare shot and/or a POV shot of the monster of the week lunging at its victim.
  • Each Tardisode was approximately one minute in length and was optimised for quick mobile download. Though exact specifications are not currently known, they were of a technical standard obviously inferior to a televised episode. They did not feature the Tenth Doctor or Rose Tyler, but focused on other characters and monsters. Most served to set up elements of the episode's story line; in one case, School Reunion, the Tardisode was a direct prequel, explaining how Mickey Smith recruited the Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler to investigate the school in question.
  • Each Tardisode was approximately one minute in length and was optimised for quick mobile download. Though exact specifications are not currently known, they were of a technical standard obviously inferior to a televised episode. They served as an early "proving ground" for two people who would later become more significant to the televised Doctor Who universe. Their lone writer was Gareth Roberts, who would go on to write several episodes of Doctor Who and The Sarah Jane Adventures. They were all directed by Ashley Way, who would later helm several episodes of Torchwood and Matt Smith-era Doctor Who. They did not feature the Tenth Doctor or Rose Tyler, but focused on other characters and monsters. Most served to set up elements of the episode's story line; in one case, School Reunion, the Tardisode was a direct prequel, explaining how Mickey Smith recruited the Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler to investigate the school in question. As no Tardisode was made for The Christmas Invasion, there were thirteen Tardisodes in all.
  • A series of 13 one-minute shorts preceding the events of every episode in Series 2 (basically like the billions of prequels of Matt Smith's stories except far worse). If you thought the NuWho episodes themselves were too fast faced and shallow, you ain't seen nothin' yet. Most of them involve characters whom we never see in the actual stories, and they all end with a lame jumpscare shot and/or a POV shot of the monster of the week lunging at its victim.