  • Ta-Matoran
  • Ta-Matoran
  • Ta-Matoran
  • Los Ta-Matoran son los Matoran del Fuego.
  • Ta-Matoran are a sub-species of Matoran imbued with an Elemental influence over Fire.
  • Ta-Matoranit, Tulen Matoranit, ovat Matoraneja, joiden elementti on tuli.
  • Ta-Matoran were Matoran of Fire, and one of the six prevalent types of Matoran living on Metru Nui. The color of Ta-Matoran armor varied in combinations of red, dark red, orange, yellow, or black. Their eyes were usually either yellow, greenish-yellow, or salmon in coloration. Ta-Matoran living on Voya Nui pulled together with the other Matoran groups to weather their harsh environment as a whole and had no specific jobs. The situation on Mahri Nui called for similar action. It is not known how Ta-Matoran elsewhere in the universe behaved.
  • 250
  • Monet jäsenet elossa
matoran image
  • 250
FG color
  • #CC2727
  • del
BG Color
  • #B22222
species status
  • Active
species powers
  • • Elemental attributes
  • • Fusion
species image
  • 250
species locations
  • Temperate Climates
reg pref
  • Regiones Calientes
species pron
  • TAH Ma-TOAR-an
  • Los Ta-Matoran son los Matoran del Fuego.
  • Ta-Matoran are a sub-species of Matoran imbued with an Elemental influence over Fire.
  • Ta-Matoran were Matoran of Fire, and one of the six prevalent types of Matoran living on Metru Nui. The color of Ta-Matoran armor varied in combinations of red, dark red, orange, yellow, or black. Their eyes were usually either yellow, greenish-yellow, or salmon in coloration. Ta-Matoran of Metru Nui lived in Ta-Metru. Most worked as forgers, crafting useful tools and supplies such as precious Kanoka disks and Kanohi masks from purified protodermis heated into molten form. Mask-maker was one of the more coveted positions among Ta-Matoran, while most started out as toolmakers or factory workers. Most Ta-Matoran here avoided places like Le-Metru (which was altogether too cluttered and unorganized), and Ko-Metru (much too cold and unfriendly). Ta-Metru sent the majority of its products to Po-Metru, which needed massive amounts of disks and masks. The Ta-Matoran on Mata Nui were less isolated. When the Ta-Matoran lived on Mata Nui, they lived in the village of Ta-Koro. There they focused on the virtue of Duty and its principle of courage. By lava farming, they created useful stone tools by directing molten lava into specially-shaped channels, where it cooled and later hardened. Many Ta-Matoran were members of the Ta-Koro Guard, the village's defense force against Rahi attacks sent by Teridax. In their spare time, they often surfed the lava flows of Ta-Wahi and raced each other in Ignalu. The main principles of Ta-Matoran life centered around diligence and responsibility. Other common characteristics included being quick to anger, quick to react, and great leaders when needed. Ta-Matoran living on Voya Nui pulled together with the other Matoran groups to weather their harsh environment as a whole and had no specific jobs. The situation on Mahri Nui called for similar action. It is not known how Ta-Matoran elsewhere in the universe behaved. After Teridax's death, the Ta-Matoran evacuated to Spherus Magna, along with the other Matoran.
  • Ta-Matoranit, Tulen Matoranit, ovat Matoraneja, joiden elementti on tuli.