  • Thomas the Trackmaster Adventures Episode 81: Thomas, Edwin and the Boulder
  • A machine called Thumper is stuck-up and demanding to the engines. Thomas and Edwin the V3 note that one day, Thumper will get his comeuppance. Does it? * Thomas * James * Percy * Eagle * Edwin * Sir Handel * Rusty * Thumper * Sir Topham Hatt * Edward (cameo) * Henry (cameo) * Gordon (cameo) * Emily (cameo) * Molly (cameo) * Victor (cameo) * Skarloey (cameo) * Rheneas (cameo) * Peter Sam (cameo) * Duncan (cameo) * Kevin (cameo) * Bertie (mentioned)
  • A machine called Thumper is stuck-up and demanding to the engines. Thomas and Edwin the V3 note that one day, Thumper will get his comeuppance. Does it? * Thomas * James * Percy * Eagle * Edwin * Sir Handel * Rusty * Thumper * Sir Topham Hatt * Edward (cameo) * Henry (cameo) * Gordon (cameo) * Emily (cameo) * Molly (cameo) * Victor (cameo) * Skarloey (cameo) * Rheneas (cameo) * Peter Sam (cameo) * Duncan (cameo) * Kevin (cameo) * Bertie (mentioned)