  • Gallguild's School for Doctors & Sicksiblings
  • Gallguild's School for Doctors & Sicksiblings (Reyshi/Gaulstater: þier Gaulgyldes Schule fyr Doktoren Ɛ Krankenwisteren, "the Wall-Guild's School for Doctors & Sicksiblings") is the world's leading university in the medical field, especially when it comes to the subject of using magicks to heal people. The school was finded by Dr. Honzak won Osfort, a Reyshiman who had previously belonged to the Warlyches' Guild of Haruirrin. He had participated in the 1st Great War, and had invented Schriegendef (Screaming/Shrieking Death), a so-called ghost gas which poisons and destroys the lungs utilizing the Hag.
  • Gallguild's School for Doctors & Sicksiblings (Reyshi/Gaulstater: þier Gaulgyldes Schule fyr Doktoren Ɛ Krankenwisteren, "the Wall-Guild's School for Doctors & Sicksiblings") is the world's leading university in the medical field, especially when it comes to the subject of using magicks to heal people. The school was finded by Dr. Honzak won Osfort, a Reyshiman who had previously belonged to the Warlyches' Guild of Haruirrin. He had participated in the 1st Great War, and had invented Schriegendef (Screaming/Shrieking Death), a so-called ghost gas which poisons and destroys the lungs utilizing the Hag. He saw the horrors of his invention, and vowing never to use his knowledge or skills for harm again, quit his job in the army. He was exiled from Reynlenn. He returned to Haruirrin, and using what little money he had, bought a building where he offered to teach young wytches, and wyzards how to heal people. He also taught them in more practical ways how to help heal people, and soon, non-wyzards began attending his classes. Soon, enough, he was the Fyrsten or Principal of the school, which mostly taught young nobles. His students would graduate from the school wearing white gowns. These gowns became associated with all universities, and their color became associated with just doctors at some point. He also created the prestigious Osfort Prize, awarded posthumously to great inventors, wyzards, doctors, and soldiers. He was given the seventh Osfort Prize.