  • Lawrenceville
  • In late 1943, United States forces were located between Marietta and Lawrenceville, in anticipation of moving into Atlanta proper. Confederate General George Patton planned to send a corps under General Clarence Potter against the U.S. forces to push them out of Lawrenceville. Potter, seeing the foolishness of sending an overmatched corps against the U.S. refused. Patton relieved him of duty and sent him back to Richmond under guard.
  • In late 1943, United States forces were located between Marietta and Lawrenceville, in anticipation of moving into Atlanta proper. Confederate General George Patton planned to send a corps under General Clarence Potter against the U.S. forces to push them out of Lawrenceville. Potter, seeing the foolishness of sending an overmatched corps against the U.S. refused. Patton relieved him of duty and sent him back to Richmond under guard.