  • Erien
  • Erien - The High King's Island is the name given to one of the Giant's Teeth islands in Jonathan Green's Map of Frostholm, which accompanied the description of the unpublished Fighting Fantasy gamebook, Saga of the Stormchaser. Since the name Erien only occurs in this unpublished source, it perhaps ought not to be considered canon in the same way as names which appeared in published sources. This reference to The High King gives us an intriguing insight into the political structure of the little-known land of Frostholm.
  • Erien - The High King's Island is the name given to one of the Giant's Teeth islands in Jonathan Green's Map of Frostholm, which accompanied the description of the unpublished Fighting Fantasy gamebook, Saga of the Stormchaser. Since the name Erien only occurs in this unpublished source, it perhaps ought not to be considered canon in the same way as names which appeared in published sources. This reference to The High King gives us an intriguing insight into the political structure of the little-known land of Frostholm.