  • Big Boo
  • Big Boo
  • Big Boo
  • Le Big Boo est une espèce plus grande que celle du Boo de base. Même s'il a l'air beaucoup plus évolué que la version de base, il possède les mêmes pouvoirs, et garde la même timidité. Il était aussi le chef des Boo avant l'arrivée du Roi Boo dans Luigi's Mansion. Il apparaît également dans le dernier manoir de Luigi's Mansion 2. Il apparaît aussi en tant que boss dans les missions 1 et 4 du Niveau 5 de Super Mario 64 et Super Mario 64 DS. Il est par ailleurs connu sous le nom de Maxi-Boo dans Paper Mario : Sticker Star sur Nintendo 3DS.
  • Big Boo is an actual character that has appeared in Super Mario World and Super Mario 64. He seems to be a special Boo that seems to follow Mario even with his eyes closed. He has his own Mansion in SM64 known as Big Boo's Haunt. It has a killer piano and a Merry-Go-Round as well as a basement.
  • Shake and Serve with Ice.
  • Big Boo is a recurring enemy/boss from the Mario series. As its name suggests, it is a Boo that is bigger and larger than a regular Boo. In Super Mario 64, it is found in Big Boo's Haunt, and Mario fights him three times, in the missions "Go on a Ghost Hunt", "Big Boo's Merry Go-Round", and "Big Boo's Balcony".
  • 'Big Boos sind große Buu Huus aus der Super Mario - Reihe. In Super Mario 64 und Super Mario 64 DS gibt es ein Level das heißt Big Boos Burg, und handelt über Buu Huus in diesem Level gibt es die meißten Missionen die mit Big Boo anfängt und es handelt auch um Big Boo die Missionen sind Geisterjäger, Big Boos Karusell , Big Boos Balkon in Super Mario 64 DS gibt es ein Bonuslevel das heißt Big Boos Schlacht aber es hat was mit König Buu Huu zutuhen in dieser Mission hat König Buu Huu, Luigi gefangen und Mario muss erst Geisterjäger machen, um die Treppen verdinen kann, dann kann man direkt Luigi befreien. 'Big Buu besteht aus mehreren Buu Huus Kategorie:Gegner Kategorie:Häufig vorkommender Gegner
  • Big Boos are basically larger Boos. Big Boos can be seen alongside smaller Boos in Hammer Bro Hideout and Covenant Assult, where they guard exits, Covenant members, or Hammer Bros. They have similar attacks as a normal Boo, if you look at them, they cover their eyes, but turn around and it follows you! It can only be defeated by shells, guns, or a fully charged Megaman Mario shot.
  • Boo
  • Eggs
  • Grab Blocks
  • Ground pound
  • Mario Sports Superstars
  • Ghost Houses
  • Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
  • Yoshi's Safari
  • Super Paper Mario
  • Super Mario 64 DS
  • Hotel Mario
  • Super Mario 64
  • Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
  • New Super Mario Bros. Wii
  • Super Mario Galaxy 2
  • Super Mario Mash-Up Pack
  • Super Mario
  •'s version
  • Big Boo
  • Species
  • Artwork from Mario Pinball Land
  • Artwork of Big Boo from Super Mario 3D Land.
  • Big Boo along with regular Boos in Super Mario Galaxy 2
  • Super Mario World
  • C
  • Super Mario World
  • Touching Mario
  • Boos
  • Genderless
  • male
  • Super Mario World
  • Ghost Houses
  • Le Big Boo est une espèce plus grande que celle du Boo de base. Même s'il a l'air beaucoup plus évolué que la version de base, il possède les mêmes pouvoirs, et garde la même timidité. Il était aussi le chef des Boo avant l'arrivée du Roi Boo dans Luigi's Mansion. Il apparaît également dans le dernier manoir de Luigi's Mansion 2. Il apparaît aussi en tant que boss dans les missions 1 et 4 du Niveau 5 de Super Mario 64 et Super Mario 64 DS. Il est par ailleurs connu sous le nom de Maxi-Boo dans Paper Mario : Sticker Star sur Nintendo 3DS.
  • Big Boo is an actual character that has appeared in Super Mario World and Super Mario 64. He seems to be a special Boo that seems to follow Mario even with his eyes closed. He has his own Mansion in SM64 known as Big Boo's Haunt. It has a killer piano and a Merry-Go-Round as well as a basement.
  • Shake and Serve with Ice.
  • Big Boo is a recurring enemy/boss from the Mario series. As its name suggests, it is a Boo that is bigger and larger than a regular Boo. In Super Mario 64, it is found in Big Boo's Haunt, and Mario fights him three times, in the missions "Go on a Ghost Hunt", "Big Boo's Merry Go-Round", and "Big Boo's Balcony".
  • 'Big Boos sind große Buu Huus aus der Super Mario - Reihe. In Super Mario 64 und Super Mario 64 DS gibt es ein Level das heißt Big Boos Burg, und handelt über Buu Huus in diesem Level gibt es die meißten Missionen die mit Big Boo anfängt und es handelt auch um Big Boo die Missionen sind Geisterjäger, Big Boos Karusell , Big Boos Balkon in Super Mario 64 DS gibt es ein Bonuslevel das heißt Big Boos Schlacht aber es hat was mit König Buu Huu zutuhen in dieser Mission hat König Buu Huu, Luigi gefangen und Mario muss erst Geisterjäger machen, um die Treppen verdinen kann, dann kann man direkt Luigi befreien. 'Big Buu besteht aus mehreren Buu Huus Kategorie:Gegner Kategorie:Häufig vorkommender Gegner
  • Big Boos are basically larger Boos. Big Boos can be seen alongside smaller Boos in Hammer Bro Hideout and Covenant Assult, where they guard exits, Covenant members, or Hammer Bros. They have similar attacks as a normal Boo, if you look at them, they cover their eyes, but turn around and it follows you! It can only be defeated by shells, guns, or a fully charged Megaman Mario shot. One Big Boo is also the boss of Boo Mansion. To fight him, use the same strategy in Super Mario World: throw ice blocks at him! The main differences are that he takes more than three hits and he can summon smaller Boos in battle; no more than two Boos guard him at a time. He can't turn invisible either and follows a circular pattern.
is Leader of
is Boss of
is Members of
is Species of
is Enemies of
is Related of
is Race of
is sous-espèce of