  • Yautja
  • Yautja
  • Yautja
  • right|200pxYautja lub Hish to fachowa nazwa rasy Predatorów. Jest to wysoko rozwinięta humanoidalna rasa zamieszkująca wschodnią część Drogi Mlecznej. Choć większość z nich nie jest wojownikami, tę rasę cechuje zamiłowanie do polowań. Szukają godnej siebie zwierzyny po całym kosmosie. Polowania są bardzo brutalne, lecz wyjątkowo honorowe.
  • [źródło] Yautja Yautja (wym. I-łat-ja), również znane jako Predatorzy lub pod swoją poprawną nazwą, Hish-Qu-Ten, są rasą zaawansowanych technologicznie istot pochodzących z Yautja Prime, planety znajdującej się w Attrenikos. Predatorzy znani są z ich kultury, która w dużej mierze polega na polowaniu oraz honorze związanym z udanymi łowami. Nie znoszą porażek oraz ściśle przestrzegają Kodeksu Honorowego, który zabrania im między innymi krzywdzenia nieuzbrojonych, przez co wielu, którzy zatrudniają Hishów jako łowców nagród muszą zważać na ów kodeks. Yautjowie nie uznają zadnej innej formy śmierci niż w boju, podczas łowów lub poprzez honorwe samobójstwo.
  • The Predators are a race of hunters that continuously seek human and other exotic prey both sapient and non-sapient.
  • The Yautja are a hunting race from the furthest reaches of the universe. The males of the species live for the thrill of the hunt.
  • Gli Yautja (pron. "Predator"), detti anche Petator, Sventrasnegger o ohi-bobohi, sono una razza di superalieni superdotati che per centinaia d'anni ha girato il cosmo praticando la caccia senza licenza, in cerca di una razza che riuscisse a soddisfare il suo violento e impulsivo desiderio sessuale.
  • Yautja to fachowa nazwa rasy Predatorów- wysoko rozwiniętej technologicznie, thumbhumanoidalnej rasy pochodzącej najprawdopodobniej ze wschodniej części Drogi Mlecznej. Rasa ta powstała na odległej od Ziemi planecie znanej jako Yautja Prime . Choć większość z nich nie jest wojownikami, tę rasę cechuje zamiłowanie do polowań. Szukają godnej siebie zwierzyny po całym kosmosie. Polowania są bardzo brutalne, lecz wyjątkowo honorowe.
  • The Predator aliens are an extraterrestrial species featured in the Predator science-fiction franchise, characterized by their trophy hunting of other dangerous species for sport, including humans and Aliens. First introduced in 1987 as the Predator, the main antagonist of the film Predator, further members of the species were subsequently represented in a sequel, numerous novels, video games, comic books, and a crossovers with Aliens, Batman, Superman, The Darkness (Top Cow) . Language
  • There ia a strict code of conduct to their way of life. It is based on honor and respect to their home and each other; especially to elders and higher ranks. Despite their advanced technology, Predators' lifestyle is generally tribal (like Native Americans for example) and the relationships between tribes usually consist of friendly rivalry and competition. A sporting event is held that they call "The Hunt" where they track, hunt, and kill dangerous species. The possibility of getting maimed or even killed by the things they hunt plays a big part of the ordeal. For they must kill something that is capable of killing them otherwise there's no point in calling it an honorable sport. The more "in your face" the fight is, the better. When successfully killing the set opponent, the Predator wil
  • The Predators are the primary alien antagonists of the Predator film series, they are a race of hunters that continuously seek human and other exotic prey both sapient and non-sapient. In the various non-film media the Predator have been portrayed in a number of different ways, they are typically called the Yautja (e-wat-ya) in expanded material and the term has generally been accepted by fans and writers of the material.
  • The creature known as the Predator is a bipedal humanoid creature standing in at well over 6 feet tall and with an average weight of 250 to 350 pounds. Most of the Predator’s bulk is pure muscle with very little fat, due to their predatory lifestyle and diet. A Predator’s skin color is generally pasty yellow with black spots, their eyes are yellow or green and Predator’s have what appears to be long black dreadlocks for hair. Predator’s are known as a Yautja in their own language. A Yautja's lifespan is many decades, some Predators have lived to be 300 years old.
  • The Predator aliens are a fictional extraterrestrial species featured in the Predator science-fiction franchise, characterised by their trophy hunting of other dangerous species for sport, including humans and their fictional counterparts, Aliens. Created by brothers Jim and John Thomas, the Predators are depicted as large, sentient humanoid creatures who possess advanced technology such as active camouflage and energy weapons, and are capable of interstellar travel.
  • Neutral
  • 220.0
  • 218.0
  • Sapient
  • Anthropod-like mandibles; hair-like appendages
  • Predatory
  • Anthropod-like mandibles
  • Hair-like appendages
  • Hish-Qu-Ten
  • Predatorzy
  • Yautja
  • Hish.jpg
  • The Predator aliens are an extraterrestrial species featured in the Predator science-fiction franchise, characterized by their trophy hunting of other dangerous species for sport, including humans and Aliens. First introduced in 1987 as the Predator, the main antagonist of the film Predator, further members of the species were subsequently represented in a sequel, numerous novels, video games, comic books, and a crossovers with Aliens, Batman, Superman, The Darkness . The predators have gone to great length to keep the secrecy of their race from the universe, lest they should be discovered. Predator culture revolves around the hunting and stalking of dangerous lifeforms. After making a kill, Predators typically skin or decapitate a carcass, converting it into a trophy. Failure in a hunt results in the Predator involved committing an honorable suicide. It is often alluded to that the reason Predators hunt is not for sustenance or elimination of threats, but as entertainment, as they will only attack life forms that have the ability to provide them with a challenge. Predators made contact with early human civilizations such as the Ancient Egyptians, Cambodians, and Aztecs, as well as a fictitious culture inhabiting what is now modern day Bouvetøya. Upon arriving on Earth, the Predators were worshiped as gods by humans, and they taught many of the civilizations how to build pyramids , but in return expected sacrifices of humans for use as hosts for hunt-able Aliens. The Predators returned to Bouvetøya every century to consummate the bargain, until at one point in the ritual, the Aliens spread out of control, resulting in the Predators destroying the entire area of the infestation. Relations with humans deteriorated, with the Predators from that time on viewing humans as little more than another quarry to hunt. Predators feature prominently in the folklore of certain cultures, with some Latin American people referring to the species as, "El Diablo que hace trofeos de los hombres," meaning in Spanish, "The Demon who makes trophies of men." When hunting humans, Predators normally avoid certain individuals such as children and some adults if they are unarmed, though they will spare armed ones if they happen to be pregnant or sickly. A human who has managed to kill a Predator in single combat or has fought alongside one is usually given a gift as a sign of respect. Predators have a deep respect for Aliens and consider them to be worthy as hunting trophies. Warrior Aliens are used to train and test young Predators by fatally weeding out the weaker initiates. A learner's first successful Alien hunt is completed with the marking of his forehead with the acidic blood of his kill. Predators apparently keep Alien Queens in captivity in order to obtain an easily accessible supply of eggs. It is shown in a brief scene in Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem that Predators have had prior contact with the Space Jockeys. This is confirmed in the film's DVD commentary. Language The language of the Predators is expressed in the films and other media through written patterns of dashes. These written symbols appear on the creatures' gauntlet displays, their helmets, architecture, and many other surfaces. Predators will mimic human language on occasion. Author Steve Perry designed a specific language set for the Aliens vs. Predator novel series.
  • żółte, pomarańczowe lub czerwone, w rzadkich przypadkach fioletowe bądź różowe
  • brązowa, zielona, szara, kremowa, żółtawa lub czerwonawa
  • Green, Scaly
  • brązowe lub czarne
  • wszystkożerne
  • świetne zdolności łowieckie
  • Dredopodobne włókna włosowe
  • odnóża gębowe
  • rozumne
  • Od 350 - 600 lat
  • Predator
  • Jim Thomas; John Thomas; Stan Winston
  • Yellow
  • Unknown
  • Xenomorph, Humans
  • wilgotny, gorący, tropikalny
  • Hunters
  • Yautja
  • Hish
  • Black
  • Predator
  • Yautja
Race Name
  • Yautja
  • They are also skilled climbers, and will readily move through trees or across rooftops in pursuit of prey. Though capable of surviving exposed in Antarctic temperatures for an extended period of time, it is implied that Predators have a preference for hot equatorial climates. Their blood is dark phosphor green in color. Their vision operates mainly in the infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum; they can easily detect heat differentials in their surroundings but are unable to easily distinguish among objects of the same relative temperature. A Predator's hunting helmet increases its ability to see in a variety of spectra, ranging from the low infrared to the high ultraviolet, and also filters the ambient heat from the area, allowing them to see things with greater clarity and detail. They are capable of breathing Earth's atmosphere, though they show visible discomfort breathing air from heavily urbanized areas. Their dietary habits are mentioned in Predator 2, where it is revealed that the creature regularly visits a slaughter house every two days to feed on the stored meat there. High amount of natural painkillers .
  • humanoidopodobne
  • synapłazy
  • żyworodne
  • Predator technology is distinctive in many respects, not the least of which is its ornate, tribal appearance masking deadly, sophisticated weaponry. It is shown in Predator 2 that at least one Predator weapon uses a metal that does not correspond to any element on the periodic table, and some weapons have been shown to be completely resistant to the effects of acidic blood belonging to Aliens. In addition, several of these tools make use of thermal imaging to track prey. The Predator's mask also houses a viewing system that allows the creature to see primarily in infrared. The Predator also makes use of a light-bending cloaking device.
  • 4
  • Unknown
  • Predators
  • Predator
  • 168.0
  • The Predator
  • Yautja
  • Secret
  • 3.15576E10
  • none known
  • * : They have been portrayed as being easily capable of outmatching a conditioned adult human male. * : Their bodies are resilient to damage, capable of recovering from multiple gunshot wounds and radiation doses which would be fatal to humans.
  • Predators are taught by their elders from youth on all the ways of hunting.
  • The Yautja race are a hunter/warrior-based society. Predator culture revolves around the hunting and stalking of dangerous lifeforms. After making a kill, Predators typically skin or decapitate the carcass, converting it into a trophy. Failure in a hunt results in the Predator involved committing an honorable suicide. It is often alluded to that the reason Predators hunt is not for sustenance or elimination of threats, but as entertainment, as they will only attack life forms that have the ability to provide them with a challenge.
  • Caste system
  • 867
  • Carnivorous or Omnivorous
  • Male
  • Predator on the cover of Dark Horse Presents #35
  • 175.0
  • 190.0
  • Unknown
race origin
  • Predators
race age
  • Unknown
race classification
  • Aliens
race gender
  • Male/Female
  • 345.0
  • 422.0
  • right|200pxYautja lub Hish to fachowa nazwa rasy Predatorów. Jest to wysoko rozwinięta humanoidalna rasa zamieszkująca wschodnią część Drogi Mlecznej. Choć większość z nich nie jest wojownikami, tę rasę cechuje zamiłowanie do polowań. Szukają godnej siebie zwierzyny po całym kosmosie. Polowania są bardzo brutalne, lecz wyjątkowo honorowe.
  • The creature known as the Predator is a bipedal humanoid creature standing in at well over 6 feet tall and with an average weight of 250 to 350 pounds. Most of the Predator’s bulk is pure muscle with very little fat, due to their predatory lifestyle and diet. A Predator’s skin color is generally pasty yellow with black spots, their eyes are yellow or green and Predator’s have what appears to be long black dreadlocks for hair. The Predator possess very distinct facial features, the most prominent of these are four mandibles that surround a small mouth filled with razor sharp teeth. These mandibles are used for communicating. Predator’s also have a verbal language (consisting of growls, clicks and chirps) and are good at mimicking other verbal languages. Predators are much stronger and faster then an average human and possess lightning quick reflexes and dexterity. Predators bleed green and prefer hot and humid conditions. Predator’s are known as a Yautja in their own language. A Yautja's lifespan is many decades, some Predators have lived to be 300 years old.
  • [źródło] Yautja Yautja (wym. I-łat-ja), również znane jako Predatorzy lub pod swoją poprawną nazwą, Hish-Qu-Ten, są rasą zaawansowanych technologicznie istot pochodzących z Yautja Prime, planety znajdującej się w Attrenikos. Predatorzy znani są z ich kultury, która w dużej mierze polega na polowaniu oraz honorze związanym z udanymi łowami. Nie znoszą porażek oraz ściśle przestrzegają Kodeksu Honorowego, który zabrania im między innymi krzywdzenia nieuzbrojonych, przez co wielu, którzy zatrudniają Hishów jako łowców nagród muszą zważać na ów kodeks. Yautjowie nie uznają zadnej innej formy śmierci niż w boju, podczas łowów lub poprzez honorwe samobójstwo.
  • The Predator aliens are an extraterrestrial species featured in the Predator science-fiction franchise, characterized by their trophy hunting of other dangerous species for sport, including humans and Aliens. First introduced in 1987 as the Predator, the main antagonist of the film Predator, further members of the species were subsequently represented in a sequel, numerous novels, video games, comic books, and a crossovers with Aliens, Batman, Superman, The Darkness (Top Cow) . The predators have gone to great length to keep the secrecy of their race from the universe, lest they should be discovered. Predator culture revolves around the hunting and stalking of dangerous lifeforms. After making a kill, Predators typically skin or decapitate a carcass, converting it into a trophy. Failure in a hunt results in the Predator involved committing an honorable suicide. It is often alluded to that the reason Predators hunt is not for sustenance or elimination of threats, but as entertainment, as they will only attack life forms that have the ability to provide them with a challenge. Predators made contact with early human civilizations such as the Ancient Egyptians, Cambodians, and Aztecs, as well as a fictitious culture inhabiting what is now modern day Bouvetøya. Upon arriving on Earth, the Predators were worshiped as gods by humans, and they taught many of the civilizations how to build pyramids (an explanation as to why many of these different ancient societies had distinctly similar cultures and architecture), but in return expected sacrifices of humans for use as hosts for hunt-able Aliens. The Predators returned to Bouvetøya every century to consummate the bargain, until at one point in the ritual, the Aliens spread out of control, resulting in the Predators destroying the entire area of the infestation. Relations with humans deteriorated, with the Predators from that time on viewing humans as little more than another quarry to hunt. Predators feature prominently in the folklore of certain cultures, with some Latin American people referring to the species as, "El Diablo que hace trofeos de los hombres," meaning in Spanish, "The Demon who makes trophies of men." When hunting humans, Predators normally avoid certain individuals such as children and some adults if they are unarmed, though they will spare armed ones if they happen to be pregnant or sickly. A human who has managed to kill a Predator in single combat or has fought alongside one is usually given a gift (often a rare or exotic weapon) as a sign of respect. Predators have a deep respect for Aliens and consider them to be worthy as hunting trophies. Warrior Aliens are used to train and test young Predators by fatally weeding out the weaker initiates. A learner's first successful Alien hunt is completed with the marking of his forehead with the acidic blood of his kill. Predators apparently keep Alien Queens in captivity in order to obtain an easily accessible supply of eggs. It is shown in a brief scene in Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem that Predators have had prior contact with the Space Jockeys. This is confirmed in the film's DVD commentary. Language The language of the Predators is expressed in the films and other media through written patterns of dashes. These written symbols appear on the creatures' gauntlet displays, their helmets, architecture, and many other surfaces. Predators will mimic human language on occasion. Author Steve Perry designed a specific language set for the Aliens vs. Predator novel series.
  • There ia a strict code of conduct to their way of life. It is based on honor and respect to their home and each other; especially to elders and higher ranks. Despite their advanced technology, Predators' lifestyle is generally tribal (like Native Americans for example) and the relationships between tribes usually consist of friendly rivalry and competition. A sporting event is held that they call "The Hunt" where they track, hunt, and kill dangerous species. The possibility of getting maimed or even killed by the things they hunt plays a big part of the ordeal. For they must kill something that is capable of killing them otherwise there's no point in calling it an honorable sport. The more "in your face" the fight is, the better. When successfully killing the set opponent, the Predator will take its skull and sometomes the spine too (if available) as a trophy and proof of the kill. Sometimes the Predator will skin it for a pelt depending on the exterior. To die in combat can be considered honorable depending on the situation. If the kill was unsuccessful and the Predator survives, it is considered dishonorable while the Predator returns ashamed (suicide can be considered honorable in this scenario depending on the situation). They also hunt for food. This is based more on survival than honor. When hunting for food, it is acceptable to kill something that has little to no threat.
  • The Predators are a race of hunters that continuously seek human and other exotic prey both sapient and non-sapient.
  • The Yautja are a hunting race from the furthest reaches of the universe. The males of the species live for the thrill of the hunt.
  • The Predators are the primary alien antagonists of the Predator film series, they are a race of hunters that continuously seek human and other exotic prey both sapient and non-sapient. In the various non-film media the Predator have been portrayed in a number of different ways, they are typically called the Yautja (e-wat-ya) in expanded material and the term has generally been accepted by fans and writers of the material. However in two of the DH Press predator books, starting with Predator: Forever Midnight they are portrayed as the Hish-qu-Ten (Abbreviated as Hish), with seemingly no attempt to even loosely connect them with previous versions of the species.
  • Gli Yautja (pron. "Predator"), detti anche Petator, Sventrasnegger o ohi-bobohi, sono una razza di superalieni superdotati che per centinaia d'anni ha girato il cosmo praticando la caccia senza licenza, in cerca di una razza che riuscisse a soddisfare il suo violento e impulsivo desiderio sessuale.
  • The Predator aliens are a fictional extraterrestrial species featured in the Predator science-fiction franchise, characterised by their trophy hunting of other dangerous species for sport, including humans and their fictional counterparts, Aliens. First introduced in 1987 as the main antagonist of the film Predator, further members of the species were subsequently represented in a sequel, numerous novels, video games, comic books, and a crossover franchise. While a definitive name for the species is not given in the films, the names Yautja and Hish have been alternatively used in the expanded universe. Created by brothers Jim and John Thomas, the Predators are depicted as large, sentient humanoid creatures who possess advanced technology such as active camouflage and energy weapons, and are capable of interstellar travel.
  • Yautja to fachowa nazwa rasy Predatorów- wysoko rozwiniętej technologicznie, thumbhumanoidalnej rasy pochodzącej najprawdopodobniej ze wschodniej części Drogi Mlecznej. Rasa ta powstała na odległej od Ziemi planecie znanej jako Yautja Prime . Choć większość z nich nie jest wojownikami, tę rasę cechuje zamiłowanie do polowań. Szukają godnej siebie zwierzyny po całym kosmosie. Polowania są bardzo brutalne, lecz wyjątkowo honorowe.
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