  • Ask him to write a story
  • From: [[]] Lyme has quite a fondness for reading. Encouraging him to write fiction is the ultimate test of his education. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • A charming tale of weasels and lizards
Failure title
  • An odd little tale
Game Instructions
  • Success here will mean your pupil's education is finished!
Failure description
  • Lyme wants to try this by himself, and so you leave him to his own devices. It is fiction, after all. Maybe it's better without too much guidance? No, no, it's not. You consign his story to the flames before it can imprint itself too strongly...
From Card/Storylet title
  • Set Lyme to writing
Success description
  • You spend a lot of time talking to Lyme about style, narrative and plot. It pays off when he presents you with a sweet little tale about his pets. He's inordinately fond of his pets, and he's shown a lot of imagination here...
  • 13
  • 12
  • Lyme has quite a fondness for reading. Encouraging him to write fiction is the ultimate test of his education.
  • From: [[]] Lyme has quite a fondness for reading. Encouraging him to write fiction is the ultimate test of his education. [Find the rest of the story at ]