  • Salesman (Episode 1902)
  • The unnamed Salesman worked in a jewellers where Brian Tilsley bought Gail Potter an engagement ring in April 1979. Gail was interested in one ring but she claimed it was too big for her finger when she heard the price of £69 and said that she and Brian wanted to take their purchase with them, avoiding changes to their choice. Gail chose another but the salesman diplomatically guided her to another smaller one which better suited "the portions" of her hand - and Brian's pocket.
Number of Appearances
  • 1
First Appearance
  • 1979-04-11
Character Name
  • Salesman
Played By
  • Jeweller's Salesman
  • The unnamed Salesman worked in a jewellers where Brian Tilsley bought Gail Potter an engagement ring in April 1979. Gail was interested in one ring but she claimed it was too big for her finger when she heard the price of £69 and said that she and Brian wanted to take their purchase with them, avoiding changes to their choice. Gail chose another but the salesman diplomatically guided her to another smaller one which better suited "the portions" of her hand - and Brian's pocket.