  • Manchu People's Republic
  • The Manchu People's Republic (Chinese: ㄇㄚㄋㄗㄨ ㄖㄜㄇㄧㄋ ㄍㄛㄋㄍㄏㄝㄍㄡ; Manchu: ᠨᡳᠶᠠᠯᠮᠠᡳᡵᡤᡝᠨ ᡤᡠᠨᡥᡝᡬᠣ ᠮᠠᠨᠵᡠ) was a socialist state that was the predecessor of modern day Manchuria. It was created in 1946 following the Soviet invasion and occupation of the Japanese puppet state Manzhougou and the unrecognised short lived Second Manchu Republic, with independence being negotiated by members of the Communist Party of Manchuria led by Xu Xiaobao after the signing of the Manchu-Soviet Treaty of Friendship.
  • The Manchu People's Republic (Chinese: ㄇㄚㄋㄗㄨ ㄖㄜㄇㄧㄋ ㄍㄛㄋㄍㄏㄝㄍㄡ; Manchu: ᠨᡳᠶᠠᠯᠮᠠᡳᡵᡤᡝᠨ ᡤᡠᠨᡥᡝᡬᠣ ᠮᠠᠨᠵᡠ) was a socialist state that was the predecessor of modern day Manchuria. It was created in 1946 following the Soviet invasion and occupation of the Japanese puppet state Manzhougou and the unrecognised short lived Second Manchu Republic, with independence being negotiated by members of the Communist Party of Manchuria led by Xu Xiaobao after the signing of the Manchu-Soviet Treaty of Friendship. Following the Soviet withdrawal a communist government was established with Xu at its head. In accordance with Stalinist principles the new government created a totalitarian single party state whilst implementing collectivisation, nationalisation and literacy campaigns. Power was monopolised into the communist party's hands with the First Secretary being the de facto dictator of Manchuria. In 1948 a massive purge known as the Red Terror was launched by the Shūjìchù (the secret police) which saw around 1 million people killed or sent to reeducation or prison camps. In 1950 North Korea with Manchurian launched the Korean War against South Korea which resulted in military disaster for Manchuria. The signing of the Tianjin Agreement forced Manchuria to cede a portion of its territory to China which resulted in Xu Xiaobao being ousted by Qian Yiu-tong. Under Qian Manchuria embarked on the Black River Protocol a variant of national communism that tried to transform Manchuria into a regional power. The cult of personality was dismantled as Manchuria militarised its society and embarked on a nuclear weapons program. There was also a campaign of ethnic cleansing of Han Chinese people and culture as part of a Manchunisation policy. In there 1970's there was tepid economic reform as less focus was placed on heavy industry and more on consumer goods and light industry as Manchuria became more interventionist in the third world. There was also some cultural relaxation in the Zhongshan Movement led by Wan Shuangjiang which was ended in the Anti-Reactionary Campaign that purged the party of moderates and reformers. In 1978 the October Crisis broke out which almost saw an escalation into nuclear war, weakening an ailing Qian and giving rise to reformist Tao Shiyou. In 1981 Qian died resulting in Tao Shiyou consolidating his position as paramount leader. Under Tao some liberal reforms were made under so-called Manchu Communism which Manchuria opening up to the west. Nevertheless as economic problems increased during the 1980's repression tightened as factionalism became more pronounced. In 1989 following the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe the Orchid Revolution broke out in Manchuria with the Popular Front for Democracy and Revolution led by former communist Du Changhao demanding political liberalisation. After weeks of protests Tao was ousted and his replacement Yuan Xiang finally announced it would hold democratic elections. In both the premierial and constituent assembly elections the Popular Front won overwhelming resulting in the dissolution of the Manchu People's Republic in 1990 with it being replaced with the Third Manchu Republic.
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