  • Baljeet Rai : The Boy
  • ~*•Baljeet's POV•*~ THWUMP, THWUMP, THWUMP. That's Aunt Mathilde stomping down the hallway to the cupboard under the stairs. Yes, that is where I sleep. I open the door in my pajamas and come to the kitchen, only to see my idiot cousin, Thaddeus. Aunt Mathilde shouts at me: "Cook the eggs, you lazy little pig! I want everything to be perfect for little sweetykins's birthday." , at the end of the sentence when she says "for little sweetykin's birthday" she starts petting Thaddeus in the most babyish way. I just ignore her and saunter over to the frying pans, greasy and sticky from Aunt Mathilde's disgraceful cooking. Thaddeus smirks at me in a very annoying manner. Even if it is his bloody birthday, I don't care. He doesn't deserve a birthday. Right then, I notice a very strange sizzling
  • ~*•Baljeet's POV•*~ THWUMP, THWUMP, THWUMP. That's Aunt Mathilde stomping down the hallway to the cupboard under the stairs. Yes, that is where I sleep. I open the door in my pajamas and come to the kitchen, only to see my idiot cousin, Thaddeus. Aunt Mathilde shouts at me: "Cook the eggs, you lazy little pig! I want everything to be perfect for little sweetykins's birthday." , at the end of the sentence when she says "for little sweetykin's birthday" she starts petting Thaddeus in the most babyish way. I just ignore her and saunter over to the frying pans, greasy and sticky from Aunt Mathilde's disgraceful cooking. Thaddeus smirks at me in a very annoying manner. Even if it is his bloody birthday, I don't care. He doesn't deserve a birthday. Right then, I notice a very strange sizzling noise coming from the pan. I look down and notice the eggs have burnt through the pan and left a big, melty hole in the middle. Bloody hell. I'm in trouble now. "Boy?! What have you done to my pan?!" yells Aunt Mathilde. "Wh-ih- I DON'T KNOW!!" I shout. Right then, I look back over at the pan and it's completely mended. That's not the only strange thing that happened to me. The other week I was using the train, then a minute later I was on the bus! Then, I was on an aeroplane! And then I was at my destination! Also, whenever my hair is cut it instantly grows back! Once, Uncle Reg shaved all of it off so I was completely bald, and the next day all of the hair was back on my head!! Anyway, I show Aunt Mathilde the pan has been fixed, and she just glares at me angrily. Then Uncle Reg stomps down the stairs and stares at me. "Cut your hair." he snaps, ruffling Thaddeus's hair and sitting down to read the paper. "Happy Birthday, Boy." he says. "You. Get dressed. Auntie Meg is coming around." he says, addressing me. Uh-oh. Not Auntie Meg. She drives me just about insane.
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