  • Mr. Hyde (Jekyll)
  • Mr. Hyde is a major antagonist and part-time villain protagonist in the BBC series Jekyll. As the series is a sequel of sorts to the original novel, Hyde differs from his literary counterpart in several different respects. Both Tom Jackman and Hyde are played by James Nesbitt.
type of villain
  • Brute
  • Take over Tom Jackman's life Rescue Claire and her children Bring Tom Jackman back from the dead Rescue Claire and the kids with Tom's help
  • Jekyll
  • Superhuman strength, speed and dexterity, eidetic memory, heightened senses, telepathy, electrokinesis
  • Mr Hyde, Billy, Cousin Billy
  • Murder, gratuitous violence, anonymous sex, listening to The Lion King and other Disney classics
  • Klein & Utterson test subject
  • N/A
  • Mr. Hyde is a major antagonist and part-time villain protagonist in the BBC series Jekyll. As the series is a sequel of sorts to the original novel, Hyde differs from his literary counterpart in several different respects. To begin with, instead of being the alter-ego of the Jekyll equivalent, Dr Tom Jackman, Hyde is a fully-developed secondary personality in his own right - albeit one accompanied by a physical transformation. Similarly, he was not created through a serum, but simply came into being as the result of genetic inheritance and psychological impacts; as such, all he requires is a certain time of day or a certain kind of emotional stimuli in order to seize control. Likewise, rather than being initially under Jekyll's control, Hyde immediately has the upper hand over his other self thanks to a wide variety of superhuman abilities. A childlike psychopath with little in the way of restraint, Hyde glories in destruction and chaos at any given opportunity. The only thing keeping him from stooping to murder is the threat that Jackman will hand himself over to the police should he ever discover that Hyde has killed; to that end, he keeps his rogue personality monitored by security cameras in his home and GPS trackers when abroad. Needless to say, Hyde's primary goal for most of the series is to find a way to seize control of Jackman entirely and live his own life as he sees fit. However, a major corporation has set its sights on capturing Hyde and harnessing his powers for their own ends, a predicament that soon forces the two personalities into an uneasy partnership in their attempts to escape capture. Both Tom Jackman and Hyde are played by James Nesbitt.