  • Conceptual Light Manipulation
  • User can manipulate the abstracts (or concept) of light. This can have many feats, such as light that can prevent darkness from existing, generate light that sheds cold instead of warmth, light that makes things dimmer instead of brighter, produce light that can exist without darkness/shadow, generate light that drains/reduces energy rather the charging it, make light negate other forms of illumination, harm things that can absorb or are immune to photons/light, and much more.
Row 1 info
  • Manipulate conceptual light
Row 1 title
  • Power/Ability to:
Box Title
  • Conceptual Light Manipulation
  • The Divine Presence can manipulate the conceptual properties of light which allows it to subsume anything/everything in creation by converting it all into endless light.
  • 350
  • silver
  • User can manipulate the abstracts (or concept) of light. This can have many feats, such as light that can prevent darkness from existing, generate light that sheds cold instead of warmth, light that makes things dimmer instead of brighter, produce light that can exist without darkness/shadow, generate light that drains/reduces energy rather the charging it, make light negate other forms of illumination, harm things that can absorb or are immune to photons/light, and much more.