  • First Strike Against the Earth
  • "True power does not stem from your destructive capabilities but rather your power to unite the world under one cause." Zenjou spoke after taking a sip of sake. The burning sensation slowly simmered before sending minor shockwaves throughout his body-The strongest sake for he who had trouble getting drunk. " Meanwhile, bubbles covered more delicate regions as intense steam kissed his deathly skin. The sound of running water coerced with a lovely shamisen piece performed by a blind artist. Two women gracefully washed the porcelain strands of hair which brought him envious glares from across the shinobi world. A feathered tail emerged from beneath the water and rested outside the bath, laying across a warm marble floor. Golden eyes pierced through the makeshift mist towards their target; A y
  • "True power does not stem from your destructive capabilities but rather your power to unite the world under one cause." Zenjou spoke after taking a sip of sake. The burning sensation slowly simmered before sending minor shockwaves throughout his body-The strongest sake for he who had trouble getting drunk. " Meanwhile, bubbles covered more delicate regions as intense steam kissed his deathly skin. The sound of running water coerced with a lovely shamisen piece performed by a blind artist. Two women gracefully washed the porcelain strands of hair which brought him envious glares from across the shinobi world. A feathered tail emerged from beneath the water and rested outside the bath, laying across a warm marble floor. Golden eyes pierced through the makeshift mist towards their target; A young shinobi who sat nearby. "Rulers who force their way into someone's home and demand obedience are responsible for creating hatred. And while the people are weak that day, their hatred will ignite a hidden strength which eventually leads to revolution." His words were just as he preached...Powerful yet extremely humble as if he was the actual student. "The key to true unification is simply understanding. The power of empathy is perhaps man's greatest weapon. And when combined with one's humility...Not a nation exist that'll reject a humble leader who places others before themselves. Once you win your opponent over without battle, then you have truly won the war. And that's because," He took another sip to follow that universal concept. "An enemy who supports your cause is no longer an enemy worth fearing. They have now become a friend in arms and apart of the foundation for your dreams. That principle is responsible for the success found during my various campaigns, However, such wishful thinking is rarely the case. I've faced complete opposition far too many times during my conquest and have had to resort to trickery and deceit." Zenjou took a minute before continuing...Almost gathering ancient secrets passed onto him from an even older teacher. "And should such tactics fail...Then I'll blow the dust off my jinkai and prepare for battle..." "Never cruel or cowardly. Never give up, never give in. An equal mind rests alongside an equal heart. The two form together as one to create harmony." At the other side of the world, in the cold, frigid domain of the Land of Iron, stands a conqueror, one with a goal to help bring unity to the world through equality amongst men. Her goals of selfless rule and equal control have earned her the status of a just and matter of fact leader for the northern territories. Having been raised and trained to become the next Shogun of her order, her goals became more than just the Shogun of a small portion of the Land of Iron. She wanted to expand her rule throughout the entire world, bring her views of equality to the people around her. This began with the control of the Land of Iron, slowly building her army with the ranks of former samurai and those looking to redeem themselves. With her foreign tactics, she took the Land of Iron by storm, utilizing tactics no one had ever used before. This method of takeover has earned her the reputation of an expert tactician. The snow falls upon her head, seeming to hide its form within the white of her hair. Her red eyes pierce through the distance, gazing upon her empire with a trusting visage. Her armor gleans against the sun, shining brightly as the sun glows above her. "Those who know how to lead should do so without fear, but should also lead with the intentions of the people in mind. For it's the people who help the leader rise up. In this, my finest hour, I shall lead these people to prosperity. It's time for me to rise up, grasp destiny by the wings and take flight."