  • Comic Relief 2006
  • Comic Relief 2006 was an HBO special celebrating President George W. Bush, Michael "Heckuva job, Brownie" Brown, and FEMA on their fantastic job of rebuilding New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. It was broadcast on Saturday night, November 18, 2006 from Las Vegas, Nevada and New Orleans, Louisiana. The headliner was of course, Stephen Colbert, along with a few other minor celebrities, including Stephen's Jewish friend. Stephen matched every dollar pledged with a Colbuck.
  • Comic Relief 2006 was an HBO special celebrating President George W. Bush, Michael "Heckuva job, Brownie" Brown, and FEMA on their fantastic job of rebuilding New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. It was broadcast on Saturday night, November 18, 2006 from Las Vegas, Nevada and New Orleans, Louisiana. The headliner was of course, Stephen Colbert, along with a few other minor celebrities, including Stephen's Jewish friend. Despite the fact that Stephen has already done more than his part for the victims, thanks to his amazing pre-taped segment, Comic Relief raised more money than K-Fed will ever get off of Britney. With it, a phalanx of FEMA workers will erect a glorious statue in downtown New Orleans in honor of Mike Brown and George W. Bush. Stephen matched every dollar pledged with a Colbuck.