  • Kyrgyz Cuisine
  • Kyrgyzstan is located in Central Asia. The country borders with China to the east, Kazakhstan to the north, Tajikistan to the south and Uzbekistan to the west. Once a part of the Soviet Union, Kyrgyzstan gained its independence in 1991. Due to the mountainous relief which is fertile, the agriculture is the main sector of this country economy. The most significant crops in Kyrgyzstan are cotton, tobacco, Wheat, potatoes and Sugar beets. The Kyrgyzstan cuisine is heavy on meat ant milk products. As it was a part of the Soviet Union the Kyrgyzstan cuisine is very similar to Russian cuisine, but it has also absorbed elements from the other countries cultures like Turkish, Persian, Arabic, Indian and Korean. Although the Kyrgyzstan cuisine has a variety of influences the traditional recipes are
  • Kyrgyzstan is located in Central Asia. The country borders with China to the east, Kazakhstan to the north, Tajikistan to the south and Uzbekistan to the west. Once a part of the Soviet Union, Kyrgyzstan gained its independence in 1991. Due to the mountainous relief which is fertile, the agriculture is the main sector of this country economy. The most significant crops in Kyrgyzstan are cotton, tobacco, Wheat, potatoes and Sugar beets. The Kyrgyzstan cuisine is heavy on meat ant milk products. As it was a part of the Soviet Union the Kyrgyzstan cuisine is very similar to Russian cuisine, but it has also absorbed elements from the other countries cultures like Turkish, Persian, Arabic, Indian and Korean. Although the Kyrgyzstan cuisine has a variety of influences the traditional recipes are also very common in Kyrgyzstan. The traditional Kyrgyzstan dishes are mainly served for special occasions, while in the every-day dishes you can find numerous recipes from other countries cuisine.