  • Legacy of the Ancients
  • You are a simple shepherd on the planet of Tarmalon. In your time, you have never fentured further than the town of Holy Point, twn days march to the north. One day, while tending your flock, you see a dead man by the side of the road. Though you have never considered yourself a thief, something compels you to reach down and take the leather scroll clutched in his stiffening fingers. Unclasping his arm-band is tricker, but you manage to unclasp it and fasten it to your own wrist. Scooping up two coins of carved jade and a disk of obsidian, you resume your travels.
  • You are a simple shepherd on the planet of Tarmalon. In your time, you have never fentured further than the town of Holy Point, twn days march to the north. One day, while tending your flock, you see a dead man by the side of the road. Though you have never considered yourself a thief, something compels you to reach down and take the leather scroll clutched in his stiffening fingers. Unclasping his arm-band is tricker, but you manage to unclasp it and fasten it to your own wrist. Scooping up two coins of carved jade and a disk of obsidian, you resume your travels. Suddenly, in the distance, you see a building of the finest white marble. You have traveled this route may times before - why did you never see it before? Forgetting your flock, you head toward it. A shimmering archway beckons... Congratulations, you've found an an ancient museum, put together for the amusement of spacefaring travelers. Unfortunately, that scroll you're carrying is the Wizard's Compendium, a book of world-destroying spells. That dead guy was the museum's best agent, killed before he could report the danger. Now, it's on you to level up and save the world.