  • Write a letter 2
  • From: [[]] With the ban on loud conversation, the art of composing heartfelt letters flourishes at the Palace. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • A fine piece
Failure title
  • But it never arrived
  • 91
Failure description
  • The problem with writing letters is that they occasionally go astray. Well, elsewhere it's occasionally. Here in the Palace, the messengers rival government ministers in their susceptibility to bribes.
From Card/Storylet title
  • Attend to Matters of Romance
Success description
  • This is a good one. Heartfelt but unspecific. Passionate but not quite scandalous. […] The palace messenger, reading over your shoulder as you compose, is moved. She slips you a bundle of other people's correspondence in recognition of your work.
  • With the ban on loud conversation, the art of composing heartfelt letters flourishes at the Palace.
  • From: [[]] With the ban on loud conversation, the art of composing heartfelt letters flourishes at the Palace. [Find the rest of the story at ]