  • Animus: Prologue
  • Lucifer, the prince of darkness, began his influence on the human race. If any person would break, he would no longer want to live. That is when he would strike. He would take away all the madness and sorrow buried within the person's heart, and take over. A person consumed by evil was called Demon Infest. Once infested, the person had to be killed since there was no way to save him.
  • Lucifer, the prince of darkness, began his influence on the human race. If any person would break, he would no longer want to live. That is when he would strike. He would take away all the madness and sorrow buried within the person's heart, and take over. A person consumed by evil was called Demon Infest. Once infested, the person had to be killed since there was no way to save him. When man set foot on the earth, there was a physical being known as Mother Earth who watched over the people. She understood that mankind should not be infested by Lucifer. Therefore, she gave birth to Sakuro (later known as Animus). Sakuro had practiced combat a lot hence he was strong enough to fight Lucifer. Once in New York, Animus landed from a building in front of a Demon Infest. The Demon Infest released a monster on Animus, whom Animus killed with his sword. The Demon Infest pleaded for mercy, but Animus killed him. The story completed here only.