  • Zenith: Power Rangers
  • In 2040, a recession has broken out internationally, and many of the worlds governments soon collapse. However, the United States have been researching into the Photonic Outer-Worlds External Radiation came across an almost accidental discovery of other worldly uses of this "P.O.W.E.R." These almost Sapient Aliens that used this power demonstrated its practical uses as a tool to further physical and technological resources. The discovery brought forth Project Zenith, the successful attempt to harness P.O.W.E.R. in the same manner, which lead to the creation of an elite branch of the United States Army Rangers, dubbed P.O.W.E.R. Rangers, each uniquely colour coded for the use as a counter defense in the event of eventual global collapse and civil war.
  • Here's to the Heroes by The Ten Tenors
  • TBA
  • TBA
  • Zenith: Power Rangers
  • None
  • Box of Kratos
  • 1
  • TBA
  • In 2040, a recession has broken out internationally, and many of the worlds governments soon collapse. However, the United States have been researching into the Photonic Outer-Worlds External Radiation came across an almost accidental discovery of other worldly uses of this "P.O.W.E.R." These almost Sapient Aliens that used this power demonstrated its practical uses as a tool to further physical and technological resources. The discovery brought forth Project Zenith, the successful attempt to harness P.O.W.E.R. in the same manner, which lead to the creation of an elite branch of the United States Army Rangers, dubbed P.O.W.E.R. Rangers, each uniquely colour coded for the use as a counter defense in the event of eventual global collapse and civil war. However, the research not brought the war to start, but the experimentations from outer space attracted a race of Sauro Sapiens, officially classified as Kaiju Sapiens Gojiras dubbed "Zillas" after the infamous movie monster. The war escalated further when the Zillas mutated to larger physical heights, which lead to the creation of large mechanical vehicles called Z.O.R.D.s (Zenith Operations Repulsion and Defense). Until 2047, the last of the Zilla invasions was broken and the war came to a conclusion after the storming of the citadel in Latin America. Project Zenith was then put on ice, and eventually dismissed following the need for war being essentially over and the money to be spent in repairing the world. By 2047, The Zillas have been pushed back out of territory they've gained by the Zenith Rangers and their allies, They ULTIMATELY destroy the Zilla Citadel in South America by way of a Heavy Artillery Barrage by the Artillery Z.O.R.D., but, after the Zilla Conflict, The Z.O.R.D.s were reduced to dormancy and the Zenith Program scrapped due to Budget Cuts and the toll that humanity took Three years later, and the recession has ended officially in thanks to the amount of repairs and war damages that have created a mass employment following the invasion, with only 0.3% of the United States remaining unemployed. Nuclear projects are scrapped, crime has severely decreased to almost obsolete, and the average minimum wage per capita remains at a stable US$20.00. However, the research into further obtaining P.O.W.E.R. has only evolved; The terrorist organization known as UNITY (the Union of Nations and Institutions TetrarchY), headed the former Zenith Delta, the Blue Power Ranger, seeks a united world by destabilizing the world again so that it can be merged into a single government, starting by eliminating any former allies after being dismissed. Only Zenith Alpha, the Red Power Ranger escaped. UNITY attacked with Cyberandronic Soldiers and his own personal Fleet of Z.O.R.D. and even more advanced U.C.A.V (Unity Command and Assault Vehicles). With permission and the unlimited resources granted, the Zenith Project was restarted, headed by Zenith Alpha, Sgt. Edward O. Stone to counter and eventually escalate the Unity Crisis to a full on counter assault, known Operation Zenith Rebirth.