  • Personality
  • This player attribute governs:
  • You can use the box below to create new pages on this wiki. Make sure you type [[Category:Personality]] on the page before you save it to make it part of the Personality wiki. Personality (SU group page | SU comments page // [ group wiki pages]) This is a stub entry for a wiki page associated with a SU group. Please customize this web page by replacing the stub, {{Stub group}}, with improved content!
  • Personality was a short-lived daytime game show where three celebrities try to predict how much they know about other celebrities.
  • Personality Traits (性格) are a gameplay element in Devil Summoner and Persona. It is distinct from the "Personality" seen in other series in the franchise which defines the demons' [// personality], how they act and respond in conversations.
  • This section will deal with the different chocobo personalities. Please post what the personality of your chocobo is, how you received it, and any noticeable character changes on the discussion page.
  • Personality is one of the six raw abilities that determine how your Hero can interact with the world. Personality determines how persuasive your character is when talking with other characters, as well as his or her likeability and leadership ability. One's Personality score has a direct effect on the outcome of certain dialog choices, and may make new dialog options available if high enough. It also directly affects the number of teammates your Hero can command in battle at any one time. A Personality of 15 is required to have 8 teammates, the maximum possible. Plus, the starting Gold of Hero in the game depends on his Personality.
  • Personality is a character attribute introduced in III remakes, and also used in Monsters, Monsters 2, and Monster Parade.
  • MasochisticTeen is a psychic disorder suffered by some humans and, more rarely, by those they encounter in so-called society during what social scientists call social interaction. Often enough it is encountered by men trying to impress women. Over 24.7% of humans suffer from this venerable disease. Radical theorists have presented a counter-theory, namely that whilst conceding that personality is obviously dysfunctional, it nevertheless has a purpose, namely to hide who you really are from those you might encounter in your movements along or over the earth's surface.
  • The Personality of a wizard is one of the two traits that modify how an AI controlled wizard acts in a general sense, the other being Objective. The human player does not have these traits because their actions are only based on their own free will. The only exception to this rule is when the human player allows the Grand Vizier to make building decisions for him : In this case the human player's objective variable, which is always Pragmatist, will be used for the decision.
  • What did Romeo see in Juliet? Or Pierrot in Pierrette? Or Jupiter in Juno? You know And when Salome danced And had the boys entranced, no doubt It must have been easy to see That she knew how to use her personality A girl can learn to spell and take dictation well And never sit on the boss's settee Unless she's got a perfect personality A girl can get somewhere in spite of stringy hair Or even just a bit bowed at the knees If she can show a faultless personality Why are certain girls offered certain things Like sable coats and wedding rings? By men who wear their spats right? That's right!
  • In both The Sims and The Sims 2, personality is split into 5 sections: Niceness, neatness or cleanliness, outgoingness, activeness, and playfulness. It is normally related to a Sim's Zodiac sign, but there are exceptions. If a Sim's personality is altered without using cheats, his or her Zodiac sign will not change. Also, spore-grown PlantSims will inherit their spore-parent's personality, but will have a different Zodiac sign.
  • The term personality has a wide range of meanings, which undermine its use as a precise term in psychology. 1. * In common parlance it is used to denote the visible aspects of character as they impress on others. 2. * It is often used in psychology to denote the sum total of an individual's physical, mental, emotional, and social characteristics or the organized pattern of behavioral characteristics. 3. * In other contexts it is applied to the essential characteristics of an individual.
  • A personality is the unique combination of qualities that make up an individual's distinctive nature. A well-developed personality is a very important thing for a fictional character to have if they're going to be three-dimensional and interesting instead of flat and dull. Aspects of personality notably do not include physical appearance and abilities, although these may certainly be used to implicitly indicate things about a character's sense of style, competitive spirit, upbringing, etc.
  • Personality is a description of the way a person is expected to behave by persons who know them well in response to certain social situations or other stimuli. It is distinguished from behavior, which is a description of how someone acts. Personality is a core component of mental functioning, and a change of personality can often indicate a serious medical condition affecting the brain, such as Syphilis.
  • 169.0
  • FO4
  • Jazz
  • Jimmy Van Hausen
  • Johnny Burke
  • 1946
wikipage disambiguates
  • This player attribute governs:
  • You can use the box below to create new pages on this wiki. Make sure you type [[Category:Personality]] on the page before you save it to make it part of the Personality wiki. Personality (SU group page | SU comments page // [ group wiki pages]) This is a stub entry for a wiki page associated with a SU group. Please customize this web page by replacing the stub, {{Stub group}}, with improved content!
  • The Personality of a wizard is one of the two traits that modify how an AI controlled wizard acts in a general sense, the other being Objective. The human player does not have these traits because their actions are only based on their own free will. The only exception to this rule is when the human player allows the Grand Vizier to make building decisions for him : In this case the human player's objective variable, which is always Pragmatist, will be used for the decision. Rival wizards select their Personality at the start of the game. Their primary realm and certain retorts contribute to the chance to select an Personality. In future references, "contributes X" will mean that it has an X/Y chance to be selected, where Y is the sum of all Xs from all contributing factor for all personalities. There are six possible Personalities in the game. Unlike Objective, which affects building decisions, personality influences diplomacy and spellcasting.
  • Personality was a short-lived daytime game show where three celebrities try to predict how much they know about other celebrities.
  • Personality Traits (性格) are a gameplay element in Devil Summoner and Persona. It is distinct from the "Personality" seen in other series in the franchise which defines the demons' [// personality], how they act and respond in conversations.
  • MasochisticTeen is a psychic disorder suffered by some humans and, more rarely, by those they encounter in so-called society during what social scientists call social interaction. Often enough it is encountered by men trying to impress women. Normal people are able to interact with others at subliminal and tonal levels without manifesting any personality, but those suffering from personality can't help stamping such interactions with something known as individuality. People with personality are thought to possess beliefs, and when exhibiting individuality, are thought to believe that they are unique, notwithstanding the fact that there are at least 3,000,000,000 other people on earth who are just like them. Empirically, personality cannot be verified, and so, in order to explain it, scientists have come up with the idea that personality results from a mutation that occurred over 50,000 years ago. The evidence for this is that, when compared with most other animals, humans are almost the only creatures that possess personality, though it has been known to cross-infect domestic animals. Personality is falsifiable in that it is not possible to manifest it when one is alone. (When one is alone, however, there cannot be anyone around to verify this hypothesis.) It has been reported by several observers (or rather non-observers) that those with personality frequenty suffer from withdrawal symptoms when alone. When this happens, it is known as loneliness. Over 24.7% of humans suffer from this venerable disease. Radical theorists have presented a counter-theory, namely that whilst conceding that personality is obviously dysfunctional, it nevertheless has a purpose, namely to hide who you really are from those you might encounter in your movements along or over the earth's surface. Rather than accepting the reality of existence, radicalists state that, real life is a matter of how accomplished one is at pretending, and personality, when it has become habituated, can give the impression of being real, even though it is not.
  • This section will deal with the different chocobo personalities. Please post what the personality of your chocobo is, how you received it, and any noticeable character changes on the discussion page.
  • Personality is a description of the way a person is expected to behave by persons who know them well in response to certain social situations or other stimuli. It is distinguished from behavior, which is a description of how someone acts. Personality is a core component of mental functioning, and a change of personality can often indicate a serious medical condition affecting the brain, such as Syphilis. People's personalities are, by definition, predictable. However, they are not static or unchanging. For example, around most people, House is abrasive and abusive, even with his best friend Wilson and his boss Cuddy. However, around his parents, House is reserved and respectful. Similarly, Cameron is usually compliant, honest and non-confrontational. However, in Que Será Será, she both stood up to and lied to Cuddy about procedures she had ordered on a patient. House is very sensitive to changes in behavior that do not match a person's personality. For example, when Cameron started making points in a differential, he immediately pegged her as having read a book on how to negotiate in groups. However, even House gets fooled. In The Jerk, he thought the patient's personality was a symptom of his disease. Once he eliminated that possibility and accepted that the patient actually was abusive and abrasive, the correct diagnosis came quickly. However, in Insensitive, House recognized the patient's feelings of guilt were actually a symptom of her condition.
  • What did Romeo see in Juliet? Or Pierrot in Pierrette? Or Jupiter in Juno? You know And when Salome danced And had the boys entranced, no doubt It must have been easy to see That she knew how to use her personality A girl can learn to spell and take dictation well And never sit on the boss's settee Unless she's got a perfect personality A girl can get somewhere in spite of stringy hair Or even just a bit bowed at the knees If she can show a faultless personality Why are certain girls offered certain things Like sable coats and wedding rings? By men who wear their spats right? That's right! So don'tcha say, "I'm smart and have the kindest heart" Or, "What a wonderful sister I'd be" Just tell me, how you like my personality! Baby, you've got the cutest personality
  • In both The Sims and The Sims 2, personality is split into 5 sections: Niceness, neatness or cleanliness, outgoingness, activeness, and playfulness. It is normally related to a Sim's Zodiac sign, but there are exceptions. If a Sim's personality is altered without using cheats, his or her Zodiac sign will not change. Also, spore-grown PlantSims will inherit their spore-parent's personality, but will have a different Zodiac sign. Each section uses a zero-to-ten scale. (From a game-mechanics perspective, the scale is actually 0 to 10.00. How fractional points are handled appears to depend on the game, and possibly the scale.) In The Sims, each section is split into three parts; 0-2, 3-7, and 8-10, each of which has a name and a description. The descriptions are largely for "color", but do give some hints to the Sim's character. Still, in The Sims, this has relatively little effect on the nature of the Sim. Personality has much more effect on a Sim's nature in The Sims 2. The Sims 2 does not use the labels or descriptions, but personality scales can be divided into low, medium, and high. In The Sims 2, low is generally less than 4 or 5, and high is generally 8 (or 8.01) and above. In The Sims 3, the personality points system was replaced with traits. In The Sims, children get personality points when they grow up from being babies. There were varying reports as to how (and whether) the parents' personalities affected the child's. Most townies get random personality points, though they may not receive them until they first appear in-game. In The Sims 2, the personality of children born in-game is based on the parents' personalities, though there is a random element involved; twins may have different personalities. It is also affected by how the child was raised as a baby. A neglected baby might be more mean-spirited, even if both parents are nice, for example. A baby's personality is not visible in-game, but can be viewed with SimPE. Adopted children and townies always seem to get one of the 12 default personalities in Create a Sim.
  • A personality is the unique combination of qualities that make up an individual's distinctive nature. A well-developed personality is a very important thing for a fictional character to have if they're going to be three-dimensional and interesting instead of flat and dull. Some key aspects of personality include, but are certainly not limited to: basic outlook on life, passions, goals, hobbies, likes and dislikes, sexuality, sense of humor, morality and ethics, attitude toward religion/spirituality, level of introversion/extroversion, ability to relate to others, emotional maturity, mental stability, and level of intelligence. Aspects of personality notably do not include physical appearance and abilities, although these may certainly be used to implicitly indicate things about a character's sense of style, competitive spirit, upbringing, etc. A well-developed personality should take into account the character's backstory, their present motivations, and their goals for the future. Our past experiences shape who we are, whether we embrace them or reject them. They give us the framework we use to make decisions in the day-to-day, most of which will have to do with immediate wants and needs. However, a person's long-term goals also influence their decision-making, and are therefore important to consider—including whether or not the character is the type to sacrifice short-term gratification in favor of long-term rewards.
  • Personality is one of the six raw abilities that determine how your Hero can interact with the world. Personality determines how persuasive your character is when talking with other characters, as well as his or her likeability and leadership ability. One's Personality score has a direct effect on the outcome of certain dialog choices, and may make new dialog options available if high enough. It also directly affects the number of teammates your Hero can command in battle at any one time. A Personality of 15 is required to have 8 teammates, the maximum possible. Plus, the starting Gold of Hero in the game depends on his Personality.
  • The term personality has a wide range of meanings, which undermine its use as a precise term in psychology. 1. * In common parlance it is used to denote the visible aspects of character as they impress on others. 2. * It is often used in psychology to denote the sum total of an individual's physical, mental, emotional, and social characteristics or the organized pattern of behavioral characteristics. 3. * In other contexts it is applied to the essential characteristics of an individual. All three usages may be found in articles on this site. Reference to Elizabeth Bennet's lively personality in Pride and Prejudice certainly applies to the visible aspects of her character. Use of phrases such as "expand one's personality" may refer to the second meaning, denoting a general increase in the overall (sum total) of individual capacities.
  • Personality is a character attribute introduced in III remakes, and also used in Monsters, Monsters 2, and Monster Parade.
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