  • Prancebot 2.0
  • Suffering from Gulf War Syndrome and extremely depressed, Jason Kelly felt he had nowhere to go but down... until offered a chance by the US government to join an extremely top secret new program! Upon accepting, Jason Kelly was no more for his consciousness was fused with an artificial cyborg body and became: Prancebot 2.0! He'll kick your ass at World of Warcraft, save the world and go out dancing all in one night!
Row 1 info
  • Jason Kelly
Row 2 info
  • The 30 Characters Challenge Facebook Page
Row 1 title
  • Real Name
Row 2 title
  • First Appearance
Row 3 info
  • Carter-Ethan Rankin
Row 3 title
  • Created by
Box Title
  • Prancebot 2.0
  • Suffering from Gulf War Syndrome and extremely depressed, Jason Kelly felt he had nowhere to go but down... until offered a chance by the US government to join an extremely top secret new program! Upon accepting, Jason Kelly was no more for his consciousness was fused with an artificial cyborg body and became: Prancebot 2.0! He'll kick your ass at World of Warcraft, save the world and go out dancing all in one night!