  • Gron
  • Gron
  • Gron
  • Gron was a Lasat male Lasan High Honor Guard. After the near-extermination of his species, Gron rejected violence in his fight against the Galactic Empire, and along with Chava the Wise he searched for Lira San, a legendary refuge for Lasats. In 3 BBY, he and Chava were rescued from Imperial forces by the crew of the Ghost. One of their rebel rescuers was the Lasat Garazeb Orrelios, Gron's former Captain in the Honor Guard. Gron and Chava managed to convince Orrelios and his crewmates to assist in their quest to find Lira San in Wild Space. This quest proved successful and the three Lasat discovered that Lira San was the original Lasat homeworld and was already teeming with millions of Lasat. Gron and Chava chose to start a new life on Lira San while Orrelios rejoined his rebel comrades.
  • [Source] Gron est un Lasat originaire de Lasan et ayant fait partie de la Garde d'Honneur de Lasan. Il survécu au massacre de son peuple en compagnie de Chava. En 3 av.BY, ils furent capturés par l'Empire Galactique puis libérés par les rebelles de Lothal avec l'aide de Hondo Ohnaka. Finalement Chava réalisa une ancienne prophétie Lasat grâce à l'aide de Garazeb Orrelios, ainsi ils retrouvèrent la route vers Lira San, la véritable planète d'origine des Lasats.
  • Gron is a large, yet relatively young Yselnativa. He originally surfaced near the shores of Novania after being cast out by his clan, eager to explore and see what this world had to offer him.
  • Gron is a prisoner in Muska Lacka in Dark Cloud. Gron asked Toan to place his prisoner's cabin in a place where he could see the sun rise every morning. After a bit of mocking on Gron's part, saying that Ungaga has to keep him locked up as a hostage, Ungaga rips off the bars to the cell and scares the prisoner into silence.
  • A region of Mithgar once ruled by the Black Mage Modru. It was occupied entirely by the Foul Folk, and was a corrupted, unpleasant place. During the Winter War, it became the center of the Dimmendark, due to the presence of the Myrkenstone. During this period, Princess Laurelin of Riamon was kept captive, and Vanidor was murdered during a torture session. However, Gron was later conquered by the forces of King Galen. Even centuries later, Gron seemed to be uninhabited by anyone.
  • Gron fue un lasat que sirvió en la Guardia de Honor de Lasan. Tras la casi-exterminación de su especie, Gron rechazó la violencia en su lucha contra el Imperio, y junto a Chava la Sabia buscó el planeta Lirasan, un antiguo planeta presente en las leyendas de los lasat.
  • Masculin
  • Morado
  • Morada
  • Verde
  • Masculino
  • Grell
  • Gron
  • Green
  • Alive
  • Gron
  • Gron#kanon
  • Gron
  • Gron
  • Legends of the Lasat Episode Guide
  • Gron
  • 9
  • Грон
  • Грон
  • Gron
  • Gron
  • tv-shows/star-wars-rebels/legends-of-the-lasat-episode-guide
  • Purple
Eye Color
  • White
  • Yselnativa
  • Garde
Date of Birth
  • Unknown
  • Gron was a Lasat male Lasan High Honor Guard. After the near-extermination of his species, Gron rejected violence in his fight against the Galactic Empire, and along with Chava the Wise he searched for Lira San, a legendary refuge for Lasats. In 3 BBY, he and Chava were rescued from Imperial forces by the crew of the Ghost. One of their rebel rescuers was the Lasat Garazeb Orrelios, Gron's former Captain in the Honor Guard. Gron and Chava managed to convince Orrelios and his crewmates to assist in their quest to find Lira San in Wild Space. This quest proved successful and the three Lasat discovered that Lira San was the original Lasat homeworld and was already teeming with millions of Lasat. Gron and Chava chose to start a new life on Lira San while Orrelios rejoined his rebel comrades.
  • [Source] Gron est un Lasat originaire de Lasan et ayant fait partie de la Garde d'Honneur de Lasan. Il survécu au massacre de son peuple en compagnie de Chava. En 3 av.BY, ils furent capturés par l'Empire Galactique puis libérés par les rebelles de Lothal avec l'aide de Hondo Ohnaka. Finalement Chava réalisa une ancienne prophétie Lasat grâce à l'aide de Garazeb Orrelios, ainsi ils retrouvèrent la route vers Lira San, la véritable planète d'origine des Lasats.
  • Gron is a large, yet relatively young Yselnativa. He originally surfaced near the shores of Novania after being cast out by his clan, eager to explore and see what this world had to offer him.
  • Gron is a prisoner in Muska Lacka in Dark Cloud. Gron asked Toan to place his prisoner's cabin in a place where he could see the sun rise every morning. After a bit of mocking on Gron's part, saying that Ungaga has to keep him locked up as a hostage, Ungaga rips off the bars to the cell and scares the prisoner into silence.
  • A region of Mithgar once ruled by the Black Mage Modru. It was occupied entirely by the Foul Folk, and was a corrupted, unpleasant place. During the Winter War, it became the center of the Dimmendark, due to the presence of the Myrkenstone. During this period, Princess Laurelin of Riamon was kept captive, and Vanidor was murdered during a torture session. However, Gron was later conquered by the forces of King Galen. Even centuries later, Gron seemed to be uninhabited by anyone.
  • Gron fue un lasat que sirvió en la Guardia de Honor de Lasan. Tras la casi-exterminación de su especie, Gron rechazó la violencia en su lucha contra el Imperio, y junto a Chava la Sabia buscó el planeta Lirasan, un antiguo planeta presente en las leyendas de los lasat.