  • Scandinavia
  • Add links to other sites here
  • History of location is unknown.
  • One of the 37's, a fisherman, came from Scandinavia. (VOY: "The 37's") Tom Paris thought that the fin was an old Scandinavian currency. (VOY: "The Cloud") When the Leonardo da Vinci hologram was stolen from the USS Voyager in 2374, Tuvok claimed to be from Scandinavia in order to remain within the program's 16th century knowledge. (VOY: "Concerning Flight")
  • Progressive emo!
  • Scandinavia is a region of northern Europe generally considered to include the countries of Sweden, Norway, and Denmark, and perhaps Finland and Iceland as well. As an aircraft name, Scandinavia may be: * Flagship Scandinavia - Boeing 377 c/n 15957 operated by American Overseas Airlines
  • Scandinavia was a region of Earth located in northern Europe and bordering the North Sea. It included the nations of Norway, Sweden and Denmark. The Second Doctor, Jamie and Zoe visited Scandinavia some time in the 8th century. When Zoe asked if it was the time of the Vikings, the Doctor replied that it was some time before then. (PROSE: That Which Went Away)
  • Scandinavia is a formable nation in Europa Universalis IV. Scandinavia can be formed by any country in the Scandinavian culture group.
  • Scandinavia really is a country in Europe. Since Bjorn is a Scandinavian name, they chose the name Bjorn for the unicorn and Scandinavia as his background country.
  • Scandinavia is a geographical and cultural region in the north of Europe, with the countries of Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark each comprising part of Scandinavia. Svoriins ancestors were taken from Scandinavia to the Svoriin by Asgard. (RPG: "Friends and Foes: Stargate Season Two")
  • The Scandinavian nations of Norway, Denmark, and Iceland are all full members of NATO, and are charged with defending their borders should Western Europe be attacked by the Soviet Union.
  • Scandinavia is a region in northern Europe that consists of the kingdoms of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. The Scandinavia peninsula was named after the region. Finland, Iceland and Greenland are often mistakenly included because they have a shared history. However, together with the Scandinavian nations, they are called the Nordic Countries.
  • Scandinavia is the region in Northern Europe where the vikings come from and live. It is divided in 3-4 different subregions (now countries), which are Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Finland is sometimes also included due to geographical proximity, although they do not share the norse heritage and culture like the other three.
  • Scandinavia has no Forage Bushes, but contains a lot of Deer milling around the Town Center, as well as a third Wild Boar which is absent on most maps. There are also two fjords running long ways across the edges of the map. The fish in these fjords are important, if not paramount. Wood is scattered, but somewhat plentiful. Gold is of normal variance, but stone is less abundant, putting a damper on that second Castle or third town center. Even though the fjords are vital, very little fighting is done along them (since there are 2 fjords, meaning 1 for each player/team); the majority of the conflicts will often stem from gold in the middle.
  • Post-war Scandinavia had formed a Scandinavian Sub-State by the 2120s and, a few years later, the Scandinavian Confederation, of which little is known. A city-state of Midgard has also been mentioned. World maps depict a vast ice desert that covers all of Norway, northern Finland, the north and northwest of Sweden. Sweden dominates the sex-mek market. Their most advanced robots are almost indistinguishable from real women and Per Lunquest was famed for designing the world's finest sex-meks, the now-antique Series 7 Love Droid (of which P.J. Maybe's Inga was one of the few remaining).
  • Scandinavia, historically Scandia, part of northern Europe, is generally held to consist of the two countries of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Norway and Sweden, with the addition of Denmark. Some authorities argue for the inclusion of Finland on geologic and economic grounds and of Iceland and the Faroe Islands on the grounds that their inhabitants speak North Germanic (or Scandinavian) languages related to those of Norway and Sweden.
  • The term Scandinavia is usually used as a cultural term, but in English usage, it is occasionally confused with the purely geographical term Scandinavian Peninsula, which took its name from the cultural-linguistic concept. The name Scandinavia historically referred vaguely to Scania. The terms Scandinavia and Scandinavian entered usage in the 18th century as terms for the three Scandinavian countries, their peoples and associated language and culture, being introduced by the early linguistic and cultural Scandinavist movement. Sometimes the term Scandinavia is also taken to include Iceland, the Faroe Islands, and Finland, on account of their historical association with the Scandinavian countries. Such usage, however, may be considered inaccurate in the area itself, where the term Nordic co
time zone DST
  • Central European Summer Time
established event
population census
  • 25438970
  • SCA
conventional long name
  • Empire of Scandinavia
symbol type
  • Imperial Coat of Arms
map caption
  • Location of Scandinavia
leader name
ethnic groups year
  • 2010
Gini year
  • 2010
  • Scandinavia
  • Milky Way
established date
  • 1756-02-25
  • 1768-09-01
  • 1926-06-30
utc offset DST
  • +2
  • Krone
national anthem
  • Long Live the Emperor
  • Western
official languages
  • , , ,
national motto
  • Long Live Scandinavia!
  • Earth
alt map
  • Locator Map of Scandinavia
Regional Languages
  • ,
image map
  • Scandinavia_.svg
government type
  • Federal Parliamentary Monarchy
  • Catholic
population census year
  • 2012
  • New Earth; Real World
  • Scandinavian
Calling Code
  • +46
drives on
  • right
  • 35
  • 0.954000
image coat
  • Coat_of_Arms_of_Scandinavia.png
alt flag
  • Flag of Scandinavia
date format
  • 7.71E11
Leader title
population density km
  • 273
Population Density rank
  • 49
  • N/A
Time Zone
  • Central European Time
population density sq mi
  • 438.500000
HDI category
  • very high
image flag
  • Flag_of_Scandinavia.svg
HDI year
  • 2010
GDP PPP per capita
  • 41256.0
  • Swedish
UTC offset
  • +1
alt coat
  • Imperial Coat of Arms of Scandinavia
Common name
  • Scandinavia
  • Northern Europe
  • Sol
  • Add links to other sites here
  • History of location is unknown.
  • One of the 37's, a fisherman, came from Scandinavia. (VOY: "The 37's") Tom Paris thought that the fin was an old Scandinavian currency. (VOY: "The Cloud") When the Leonardo da Vinci hologram was stolen from the USS Voyager in 2374, Tuvok claimed to be from Scandinavia in order to remain within the program's 16th century knowledge. (VOY: "Concerning Flight")
  • Scandinavia, historically Scandia, part of northern Europe, is generally held to consist of the two countries of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Norway and Sweden, with the addition of Denmark. Some authorities argue for the inclusion of Finland on geologic and economic grounds and of Iceland and the Faroe Islands on the grounds that their inhabitants speak North Germanic (or Scandinavian) languages related to those of Norway and Sweden. The term Norden has also come into use to denote Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden, a group of countries having affinities with one another and a distinctness from the rest of continental Europe. Among their distinguishing characteristics are thinly populated northern regions, a relative wealth of fish resources, long life expectancies, and high levels of literacy.
  • The term Scandinavia is usually used as a cultural term, but in English usage, it is occasionally confused with the purely geographical term Scandinavian Peninsula, which took its name from the cultural-linguistic concept. The name Scandinavia historically referred vaguely to Scania. The terms Scandinavia and Scandinavian entered usage in the 18th century as terms for the three Scandinavian countries, their peoples and associated language and culture, being introduced by the early linguistic and cultural Scandinavist movement. Sometimes the term Scandinavia is also taken to include Iceland, the Faroe Islands, and Finland, on account of their historical association with the Scandinavian countries. Such usage, however, may be considered inaccurate in the area itself, where the term Nordic countries instead refers to this broader group.
  • Progressive emo!
  • Scandinavia has no Forage Bushes, but contains a lot of Deer milling around the Town Center, as well as a third Wild Boar which is absent on most maps. There are also two fjords running long ways across the edges of the map. The fish in these fjords are important, if not paramount. Wood is scattered, but somewhat plentiful. Gold is of normal variance, but stone is less abundant, putting a damper on that second Castle or third town center. Even though the fjords are vital, very little fighting is done along them (since there are 2 fjords, meaning 1 for each player/team); the majority of the conflicts will often stem from gold in the middle. Springboard strategies typically fail in longer games due to the lack of resources. One player will be left exhausted while the other is not much better off than the other team. Instead, attempt to lure your enemy into your camp and destroy their units. A turtle would be an effective strategy to employ. Suggested civilizations include those with strong economies (Aztecs, Mayans, Portuguese, and Ethiopians) those with cheap units (Goths) and those with good all-around (Saracens, Japanese). Poor choices for civilizations include (ironically) the Vikings, Persians, and Teutons.
  • Scandinavia is a region of northern Europe generally considered to include the countries of Sweden, Norway, and Denmark, and perhaps Finland and Iceland as well. As an aircraft name, Scandinavia may be: * Flagship Scandinavia - Boeing 377 c/n 15957 operated by American Overseas Airlines
  • Scandinavia is the region in Northern Europe where the vikings come from and live. It is divided in 3-4 different subregions (now countries), which are Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Finland is sometimes also included due to geographical proximity, although they do not share the norse heritage and culture like the other three. In Vikings, there are many scenes in Scandinavia and many settlements, like Kattegat and Hedeby, are also located here. Scandinavia is divided in subregions: * Denmark, where King Horik † and his family † come from. * Norway, Harald and Halfdan's homeland. * Svealand (Sweden), Earl Bjarni's † native region. * Götaland is nowadays part of Sweden, but at this time it was considered a separate region. Jarl Borg † is from here. * Finland, where Kauko † comes from. Between these regions there are many small islands. At this time, the Scandinavian Peninsula was divided in several petty and warring kingdoms and earldoms. The landscape is mainly forests, plains and fjords near the coast. It has a very cold weather, with most of the winter snowing. However, in summer, the temperature rises and there's plenty of sun. The wildlife is mainly composed of bears, wolves, stags, elks, beavers, lynxes, oxes, some horses (not much), hedgehogs, ducks, foxes, hares, squirrels, bisons, owls and boars. The norsemen use lots of domesticated animals in their daily life, like pigs, cows, goats, chickens, donkeys, etc.
  • Scandinavia was a region of Earth located in northern Europe and bordering the North Sea. It included the nations of Norway, Sweden and Denmark. The Second Doctor, Jamie and Zoe visited Scandinavia some time in the 8th century. When Zoe asked if it was the time of the Vikings, the Doctor replied that it was some time before then. (PROSE: That Which Went Away)
  • Scandinavia is a formable nation in Europa Universalis IV. Scandinavia can be formed by any country in the Scandinavian culture group.
  • Scandinavia really is a country in Europe. Since Bjorn is a Scandinavian name, they chose the name Bjorn for the unicorn and Scandinavia as his background country.
  • Scandinavia is a geographical and cultural region in the north of Europe, with the countries of Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark each comprising part of Scandinavia. Svoriins ancestors were taken from Scandinavia to the Svoriin by Asgard. (RPG: "Friends and Foes: Stargate Season Two")
  • Post-war Scandinavia had formed a Scandinavian Sub-State by the 2120s and, a few years later, the Scandinavian Confederation, of which little is known. A city-state of Midgard has also been mentioned. World maps depict a vast ice desert that covers all of Norway, northern Finland, the north and northwest of Sweden. Sweden dominates the sex-mek market. Their most advanced robots are almost indistinguishable from real women and Per Lunquest was famed for designing the world's finest sex-meks, the now-antique Series 7 Love Droid (of which P.J. Maybe's Inga was one of the few remaining). The Scandinavian Express flies from the state to Mega-City One. In the Judge Dredd Mega-Special #1 map (set 2110), Scandinavia was depicted as part of the Sov Block.
  • The Scandinavian nations of Norway, Denmark, and Iceland are all full members of NATO, and are charged with defending their borders should Western Europe be attacked by the Soviet Union.
  • Scandinavia is a region in northern Europe that consists of the kingdoms of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. The Scandinavia peninsula was named after the region. Finland, Iceland and Greenland are often mistakenly included because they have a shared history. However, together with the Scandinavian nations, they are called the Nordic Countries.
is Origin of
is Abode of
is Hometown of
is Setting of
is Native of
is Culture of
is Location of