  • Brides of Dracula
  • The Brides of Dracula are a small Covenant dedicated to Count "Motherfucking" Dracula, an extremly powerful Gangrel. The Brides are nomadic, usually traveling per motorcycle. Originally a small motorcycle gang that terrorized the Arizona Highway, they made the mistake of crossing Count Dracula in 1995. They tell that the vampire slaughtered their leader, embraced him and that they all were turned afterwards.
  • The Brides of Dracula are a small Covenant dedicated to Count "Motherfucking" Dracula, an extremly powerful Gangrel. The Brides are nomadic, usually traveling per motorcycle. Originally a small motorcycle gang that terrorized the Arizona Highway, they made the mistake of crossing Count Dracula in 1995. They tell that the vampire slaughtered their leader, embraced him and that they all were turned afterwards.