  • Mr Sacks: it is peaceful here
  • From: [[]] Between black Neath-roof and blacker water, there is glittering light and silence. We are spared the ills of the world: storm, war, famine. Even Death is a rare guest here. All is well, or shall be. [Find the rest of the story at ] __NOEDITSECTION__
Success title
  • He is pleased
From Card/Storylet title
  • Day 7: Mr Sacks, in embered red
Success description
  • "Yes. It's better here, isn't it? Far from the rages of the deep sky. Discreet, shadowed, decent. All is well."
  • Between black Neath-roof and blacker water, there is glittering light and silence. We are spared the ills of the world: storm, war, famine. Even Death is a rare guest here. All is well, or shall be.
  • From: [[]] Between black Neath-roof and blacker water, there is glittering light and silence. We are spared the ills of the world: storm, war, famine. Even Death is a rare guest here. All is well, or shall be. [Find the rest of the story at ] __NOEDITSECTION__