  • Co-ed Revolutionary Anarchist Liberation Union (deleted 15 Feb 2008 at 10:34)
  • Koedukacyjna Unia Rewolucyjno-Wyzwoleńczo-Anarchistyczna ("co-ed revolutionary anarchist liberation union") is a radical Polish anarcho-feminist group, existing since 2000. It is one of the two anarcho-feminist organizations in Poland admitting male members. According to its official website, the main aims of the group are: * exposing and fighting against gender stereotypes * combating homophobia * sexual freedom * liberation from the slavery of everyday life
  • Koedukacyjna Unia Rewolucyjno-Wyzwoleńczo-Anarchistyczna ("co-ed revolutionary anarchist liberation union") is a radical Polish anarcho-feminist group, existing since 2000. It is one of the two anarcho-feminist organizations in Poland admitting male members. According to its official website, the main aims of the group are: * exposing and fighting against gender stereotypes * combating homophobia * sexual freedom * liberation from the slavery of everyday life The group is strongly anti-capitalist, anti-Catholic, and anti-hierarchic, and propagates a libertarian socialist society. It publishes its own bulletin, runs a shop in Warsaw, and organizes instruction camps (in Wiżajny and Krynki) and queer parties (aiming to abolish division both between sexes and between sexual orientations). It is also a member of Komitet STER, an organization fighting for abolition of restrictions on performing abortions. In 2001, together with minister Ryszard Kalisz from SLD, it organized a campaign for widening the scope of sex education.