  • RC-1186
  • RC-01/186, simplified as RC-1186 and later nicknamed "Beowulf", was a clone of the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett. Born in 32 BBY on Kamino, he was trained by Jango Fett himself of the Cuy'vul Dar to be a clone commando in the Grand Army of the Republic. His relation with Fett also gave him the opportunity to meet with the esteemed Advanced Recon Commando, Alpha-13 "Ember". Placed in command of three other commandos, Beowulf led as sergeant of the elite special forces unit known as Bravo Squad. At the start of the war, Beowulf and his men would participate in the Battle of Geonosis and would later be assigned to fight alongside the famed for the rest of the war.
image name
  • beowulfblue.png
  • *Rise of the Empire *Galactic Civil War
Author name
  • DarthJaciuss
Physical description box color
  • #7089C2
Planet Icon
  • Kamino
Biographical information font color
  • white
Biographical information box color
  • #7089C2
Chronological and political information box color
  • #7089C2
Physical description font color
  • white
Chronological and political information font color
  • white
Title box color
  • #2E406B
Box Title
  • RC-1186 "Beowulf"
  • Brown
  • *Galactic Republic **Grand Army of the Republic ***Special Operations Brigade ****Bravo Squad *Rebel Alliance
  • Black
author username
  • DarthJaciuss
Title font color
  • white
  • 1.83
  • Human
  • Sergeant
  • Kamino
  • Male
  • 20
  • 32
  • RC-01/186, simplified as RC-1186 and later nicknamed "Beowulf", was a clone of the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett. Born in 32 BBY on Kamino, he was trained by Jango Fett himself of the Cuy'vul Dar to be a clone commando in the Grand Army of the Republic. His relation with Fett also gave him the opportunity to meet with the esteemed Advanced Recon Commando, Alpha-13 "Ember". Placed in command of three other commandos, Beowulf led as sergeant of the elite special forces unit known as Bravo Squad. At the start of the war, Beowulf and his men would participate in the Battle of Geonosis and would later be assigned to fight alongside the famed for the rest of the war. Under the guidance of Jedi Generals Callista Konshi and Jacius Railus, Bravo Squad would fight in a multitude of deadly battles. Beowulf and Clone Commander Trigg developed a close friendship during the onset of the war.