  • Longshot (Earth-52295)
  • Good
  • Mobile
  • The Other Side When he was born Lester was having a mental breakdown and was going to kill his own son, but if it wasn't for his mother he would have been dead. She flew herself in between them and was killed. If it wasn't for th police either he would have been dead. He was later sent to an orphanage and was treated as an outcast. He later grew up wondering who his father was only to find out that he was none other than Bullseye. He started to see how he and his father were alike, and that how they never missed. He started to investigate why his father left him, only to find that he killed his mother. That night he was starting to go insane and became this other person and tried to assassinate his own father. They next morning he saw his hands covered in blood and saw that Slingshot wrote him a letter saying embrace the other side. His life only got worse from there. Slingshot started to take away everything he cared about, only to leave him to trust Slingshot. After going back to Hells Kitchen he started encountering Ghostdevil, and the two become archenemies. But soon after Drake met what he says, "A beautiful greek goddess", Gabbe Murdock. The two started dating until they found out each others identities. Slingshot not caring who she was tried to kill her and take care of her for good, only to be defeated.Separation After a few months of fighting Drake couldn't take it any more, he had to get rid of Slingshot. He was able to arrive at the Shield Base where they had a device that was able to separate Slingshot and Drake. As the operation was a success they took Slingshot away leaving Drake to be relaxed and normal. He went back to Gabbe and told him about the operation. She was able to finally be with her again. But his world came crashing down when he heard that Slingshot was out. He told Gabbe that he wasn't going to stand for this and that he was going to face him. As he did so and was defeated the battle was interrupted by Bullseye and was told the truth. That Hawkeye was his real father and that Bullseye was Slingshots father. He went on a search to find his father, only to find him in China. He told Clinton that he was his son and the whole story life story. Clinton then granted him a powerful blessing and told Drake about his life story. Drake found it interesting in how he became Hawkeye. He later followed in his foot steps and became Longshot.
  • Longshot
  • Hawkeye/Clinton Barton , Mockingbird/Barbara Morse-Barton , Slingshot/Drake Lester
  • Hazel
  • None
  • Black
  • When he got out of the orphanage he worked in as a mechanic. What ever left over parts he would find he would use it to make his own bike.And when he finally finish it was taken away by Slingshot. He later made another bike, this time in his own interest.
  • *Master Archer Drake was trained by his dad in archery. Plus it help when he doesn't miss. *Master Martial Artist Slingshot was a skilled fighter at birth so he was able to teach Drake everything he knows.
  • Hawkeye jr
  • 173
  • 9.0
  • Secret
  • Longshot was given his father's bow and arrows as a gift for them being reunited.
  • American
  • Earth-52295
  • Male
  • Drake Barton
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