  • Blue Smoke
  • Blue smoke
  • Blue smoke, as explained by xander: "First off, you are mistaken if you believe that "electricity" is used to power your devices. What you think of as electricity is actually blue smoke. Blue smoke is produced in factories all over the world. Most of them use mined black smoke ore (coal or oil) to produce the smoke, while some use uranium. If you watch these factories, you can see some of the byproducts of smoke production, in the form of black smoke or steam. Currently scientists are working on ways of creating blue some using the wind (they capture very, very small particles of blue smoke using windmills), water (blue smoke is filtered out of rivers by dams), and "solar" (this one is really very complicated).
  • Blue smoke, as explained by xander: "First off, you are mistaken if you believe that "electricity" is used to power your devices. What you think of as electricity is actually blue smoke. Blue smoke is produced in factories all over the world. Most of them use mined black smoke ore (coal or oil) to produce the smoke, while some use uranium. If you watch these factories, you can see some of the byproducts of smoke production, in the form of black smoke or steam. Currently scientists are working on ways of creating blue some using the wind (they capture very, very small particles of blue smoke using windmills), water (blue smoke is filtered out of rivers by dams), and "solar" (this one is really very complicated). NeoThermic goes on further to explain: "If one is skilled enough, one can add the blue smoke back into the device, but it depends on what aspect of the pressure changed to make it escape. Remember Pv= nRT. If you change the temperature, or the number of molicules in the blue smoke, you change the pressure. That can cause major problems, but if you can reset it all back to when it was working and re-add the blue smoke, sometimes, just sometimes, it might just work."