  • Mankind Reborn (Map Game)
  • June 3, 1942. Nazi Germany controls most of Europe in a reign of terror. Meanwhile, in the Pacific, Americans and Japanese are gearing up for the Battle of Midway. All this would change. An asteroid, drifting past the Earth was attracted by its gravity and plummeted down to the Earth, into the North Atlantic Ocean, somewhere between the Azores and Bermuda. Overnight, the world was forever changed. The impact into the crust caused earthquakes across the world, devastating coastlines, especially Japan and the Pacific Rim. Tsunamis devastated the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean, and massive earthquakes caused tsunamis around the rest of the world. A major fragment crashed into the Himalayas, devastating much of Southeast Asia, and earthquakes devastated Africa in particular, especially the east.
  • June 3, 1942. Nazi Germany controls most of Europe in a reign of terror. Meanwhile, in the Pacific, Americans and Japanese are gearing up for the Battle of Midway. All this would change. An asteroid, drifting past the Earth was attracted by its gravity and plummeted down to the Earth, into the North Atlantic Ocean, somewhere between the Azores and Bermuda. Overnight, the world was forever changed. The impact into the crust caused earthquakes across the world, devastating coastlines, especially Japan and the Pacific Rim. Tsunamis devastated the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean, and massive earthquakes caused tsunamis around the rest of the world. A major fragment crashed into the Himalayas, devastating much of Southeast Asia, and earthquakes devastated Africa in particular, especially the east. Most navies across the world were destroyed, and the sun was blanketed by dust. After several days, World War II was put to a quick halt, as nations concentrated on rebuilding. Their efforts were in vain, however, when crops begun to fail across the world due to little amounts of sunlight reaching the ground. An "Endless Winter" had descended upon Earth at the end of the year, and riots and food shortages were commonplace. Many nations occupied by the Third Reich revolted, often successfully, and even most of the German military put down their arms, as Hitler and many of the SS fled Berlin. Following his death, the remnants of the military quickly deposed the SS and put into place a new government. This government, however was limited in resources, and shut itself off, causing the rest of the Reich to come crashing down. Germany was the first nation to collapse into anarchy, followed by many others. Eventually, in 1943, the world was huddled in small makeshift settlements without any sense of order. Overnight, the world population plummeted from around 2.5 billion to about 250 million mostly huddled in Africa, Europe, and the Americas. Humanity survived, however, by wit, technology, and social ability, and by 1950, the last of the winter ended, and even some fledgeling nations have emerged. Earth is now a blank slate. Shall you and your band of wandering survivors settle, and perhaps establish the next great nation? Only time can tell. Welcome to Mankind Reborn.