  • Christopher Hitchens
  • Christopher Hitchens
  • Christopher Hitchens who sadly died in 2011 was an atheist and asserted frequently that Religion is both irrational and harmful.
  • Christopher "Hitch" Hitchens takes the long-standing truism that all British men are pansies and bends it over and gives it what-for! With his booming voice, broad square shoulders and rugged, masculine facial features, Hitchens has transformed how Americans feel about British men: from effete girlie-men to mostly inaudible, straight-forward, no-holds-barred, take charge, but take no prisoners and sarcastically snide manliness with an extreme emphasis on straight. Despite being manly, Mr. Hitchens is known for writing books and arguing what he meant in those books on TV.
  • He was originally a very Liberal Ssocialist, starting in the 1960s when everyone was and remained a liberal in general. He was well known for irritating Religious People, who dislike his use of Logic and Science in his arguments. It's understandable. He was waterboarded once, because he wanted to prove it wasn't Torture. Afterwards he said it was torture. Interesting note: Bush and Cheney ordered torture. Whatever you think of Hitchens and of waterboarding enduring that voluntarily took courage.
  • Christopher Eric Hitchens (born 13 April 1949, died 15 December 2011) was an English-American author and journalist whose books, essays and journalistic career spanned more than four decades. He was a columnist and literary critic at The Atlantic, Vanity Fair, Slate, World Affairs, The Nation and Free Inquiry, and became a media fellow at the Hoover Institution in September 2008. He was a staple of talk shows and lecture circuits. In 2005, he was voted the world's fifth top public intellectual in a Prospect/Foreign Policy poll.
  • Christopher "Small Talk" Hitchens,was born in Portsmouth, England, (therefore not a true dyed-in-the-wool American which effectively rendered his opinions neither ridiculously ill-informed and dogmatic nor pointlessly patriotic and racist, much to the great dislike of the American people) was one of the most badass people to ever set foot on this shitty little planet called "Earth." He was a lovably frumpy and dissipated English bloke known for his uncanny similarity to Samantha Stevens' Aunt Bertha in the American Television series Bewitched. He was clinically obese, clinically homosexual, and enjoyed singing nursery rhymes. He liked to promote rational thinking whilst irrationally smoking and drinking excessively to the harm of his body, and suggesting that the war in Iraq was a good thi
  • 15
  • Ateo
  • Escritor y periodista
  • británico
  • 13
  • Christopher Hitchens
  • Christopher "Hitch" Hitchens takes the long-standing truism that all British men are pansies and bends it over and gives it what-for! With his booming voice, broad square shoulders and rugged, masculine facial features, Hitchens has transformed how Americans feel about British men: from effete girlie-men to mostly inaudible, straight-forward, no-holds-barred, take charge, but take no prisoners and sarcastically snide manliness with an extreme emphasis on straight. Despite being manly, Mr. Hitchens is known for writing books and arguing what he meant in those books on TV. Hitchens has his own satellite link-up so he can be interviewed at any time, day or night, as long as he isn't passed out drunk. Hitchens is also known to Wax His own Pubes Hitchens doesn't smell near as bad as one might think for a drunk of his caliber, more like cheap scotch filtered through an old gym sock. The same can not be said for his American cousin.[1]
  • Christopher "Small Talk" Hitchens,was born in Portsmouth, England, (therefore not a true dyed-in-the-wool American which effectively rendered his opinions neither ridiculously ill-informed and dogmatic nor pointlessly patriotic and racist, much to the great dislike of the American people) was one of the most badass people to ever set foot on this shitty little planet called "Earth." He was a lovably frumpy and dissipated English bloke known for his uncanny similarity to Samantha Stevens' Aunt Bertha in the American Television series Bewitched. He was clinically obese, clinically homosexual, and enjoyed singing nursery rhymes. He liked to promote rational thinking whilst irrationally smoking and drinking excessively to the harm of his body, and suggesting that the war in Iraq was a good thing. Leading by example, as always then, Bitchens.
  • Christopher Eric Hitchens (born 13 April 1949, died 15 December 2011) was an English-American author and journalist whose books, essays and journalistic career spanned more than four decades. He was a columnist and literary critic at The Atlantic, Vanity Fair, Slate, World Affairs, The Nation and Free Inquiry, and became a media fellow at the Hoover Institution in September 2008. He was a staple of talk shows and lecture circuits. In 2005, he was voted the world's fifth top public intellectual in a Prospect/Foreign Policy poll. He was best known in recent times for his strong and vocal opposition to religion, demonstrated among other places in his 2007 book God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything. He died on December 15, 2011 from complications relating to oesophageal cancer.
  • Christopher Hitchens who sadly died in 2011 was an atheist and asserted frequently that Religion is both irrational and harmful.
  • He was originally a very Liberal Ssocialist, starting in the 1960s when everyone was and remained a liberal in general. He was well known for irritating Religious People, who dislike his use of Logic and Science in his arguments. It's understandable. He was waterboarded once, because he wanted to prove it wasn't Torture. Afterwards he said it was torture. Interesting note: Bush and Cheney ordered torture. Whatever you think of Hitchens and of waterboarding enduring that voluntarily took courage. He didn't like that other guy who ruined the country, and once wrote an article "The Stupidity of Ronald Reagan". He was opposed to the Death penalty and once attended an execution, in Mississippi in 1987. He criticized the killing of Timothy McVeigh and argued against the killing of Saddam Hussein. Governments are, after all, supposed to be better than criminals. He became an American citizen as of 2007. He voted for President Obama and also for John Kerry in the 2004 election.
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